Fish Fanatic
Purchased eight baby Green TBs over three weeks ago. Two were very small compared to the rest and the smallest one died after being Isolated. Was told to put pimafix in which i have done but the other small one is acting very strange. I have also Isolted this one. It goes vertical in the water almost lifeless then the current carries it along till it seems to shake out of it then swin away. I am carring on with pimafix in the Isolation tank. I fed it this morning and it seemed to be swimming ok but when eating it was swallowing then spitting the food back out. Is this possible bacterial problem or gill problem. The remaining six have grown quite well.
All stats were ok apart from PH which when last tested(week ago) was 6.6 now I belive it to be 7.0. I had done a 25% water change a day ago and noticed my swordtail breathing heavily at the top surface can this be caused by the change in PH? or is it down to Oxygen(not sure how to test that)
Thanks again.
Purchased eight baby Green TBs over three weeks ago. Two were very small compared to the rest and the smallest one died after being Isolated. Was told to put pimafix in which i have done but the other small one is acting very strange. I have also Isolted this one. It goes vertical in the water almost lifeless then the current carries it along till it seems to shake out of it then swin away. I am carring on with pimafix in the Isolation tank. I fed it this morning and it seemed to be swimming ok but when eating it was swallowing then spitting the food back out. Is this possible bacterial problem or gill problem. The remaining six have grown quite well.
All stats were ok apart from PH which when last tested(week ago) was 6.6 now I belive it to be 7.0. I had done a 25% water change a day ago and noticed my swordtail breathing heavily at the top surface can this be caused by the change in PH? or is it down to Oxygen(not sure how to test that)
Thanks again.