Tiger Barb Info


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi, im new to the forums and I have a 20 gl tank and its currently cycling fishless (currently have a 15 gallon for my single oranda goldfish) and was thinking about geting about 6-8 tiger barbs and was wondering for my tiger barbs, what are some compatible fish with these guys? Thanx a lot!
Also was on my mind was what type of plants for em? Anubis, Java fern/moss, amazon sword?
tiger barbs will be ok with anything that doesnt have long fins. barbs like to chase and nip at the fins. just look for something that doesnt have long fins and can live in the same water conditions as the barbs. right now i have albino tiger barbs in a tank with mollies, platies, guppies, corys and i used to have them with neons. you have a lot of choices, just look around and see what you like.
if you have a look at my signature you'll see what live with our tbs & have done so with no probs for over 4 years, have never seen or suspected our tb's annoying any of our other fish.............theyre always too busy chasing/annoying their own kind.
I have my tiger barbs in with assorted small danios and chain loaches - never any problems with the other fish. As Millym says - too busy fighting amongst themselves :rolleyes:

Oh ... and they don't pay much attention to the plants - any of those would be fine. The only plants that mine eat is the duckweed floating on the surface - and they're welcome to those!
our tank is heavily planted & our tbs never munch them, ( too well fed with other more interesting food) sorry i dont know all the names of our plants ( ive not kept the little tags unfortunately) but i do know we have amazon swords, anubis, common hornwort, cabomba, red tiger lily & oxygenating weed among others

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