Tiger Barb Health Issue?



My tank has been running for nearly 2 months, lightly planted to give them cover on one side and open water with wood the other side. I had 6 Tiger Barbs first after getting mature media. About 10days after having them i lost one, it seemed it had been bullied to death. Removed it did a water check and then a 20% w/c.

Today I've noticed one or two of them 'head standing' from time to time. not all the time, but i do see them doing it, is this part of their breeding before they spin around and such?
Or is this a health issue i need to be worried about? Readings are Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite/Nitrate 0.0 Ph 7.4 27C temp. I have also seen that since the loss of one the 5 remaining seem to split into a group of 4 and then one random that just sits in the reeds.

your ammonia is reading 1.0?

your ammonia should always read 0. Anything higher is considered toxi for fish and may well be causing their perceived health issues.
I know it is meant to be 0. I have been carrying out daily 20% water changes to get it to drop which it has been, but that was my reading this morning.
If your ammonia is 1, then a 20% wc will only reduce it to to 0.8, which is still too high.

You need to be doing changes of at least 75 or 80%, which will bring it down to 0.25 or 0.20.

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