Tiger Barb Harassing Other Tiger Barbs


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
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Hi all - I bought 7 tiger barbs two weeks ago (they were very small)...well one has grown rapidly compared to the others and for the past few days has been harassing the other 6 Tiger Barbs relentlessly. The other barbs are showing signs of stress (hiding & some color loss). In my 20 gallon tank I also have 6 Serpae Tetra. What would be some suggestions to stop his behavior or should I try to re-home the one as soon as possible?

You could try a larger shoal. If not I would rehome him.
Sometimes moving ornaments and plants helps.
i agree with wilder here. its tiger barbs nature to fight amongst them selves for hierachy, this is why they are best in bigger groups so individual fish are not bullied and stressed out all the time as it will be spread out in the group. if a small group is kept then they turn on other tank inhabitants and will nip fins etc. if adding 2 or 3 more barbs doesnt calm him down then it may be best to take him back or pass him on to someone else. but these fish will always be active and argueing amongst themselves :good:
I thought about adding more but I'm afraid my tank would be overstocked considering the size. Also, all of the tiger barbs I have seen are relatively large so I'm not sure if they would terrorize the little ones??
The only option left then is to rehome him.
I rearranged my tank...it helped for about 10 minutes then back to normal. Luckily I found a home. He will be going there in a few hours. Thanks for all of the advice!
Has he now gone to a new home.
Yes - I brought him over to a friend that had room to take him yesterday. Sad to give him up but my other fish are not nearly as stressed now which is great.
That's good news then.
Thank you for letting us all know.
Good Luck.

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