Tiger Barb & Gouramis


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2011
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Hi, I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 high fin platys, 2 dalmation mollies, 3 zebras and 5 tiger barbs. My tiger barbs are not a minutes trouble they keep themselves to themselves and not once have they picked on any other fish. I really love opaline and blue gouramis, as my tigers seem very laid back do you think i could add two gouramis?
I'm not sure but I think blue gouramis need a 20 gal tank as a minimum.
Just because your tigers aren't nipping now doesn't mean they never will.

I oils never out gouramis with tiger barbs in numbers less than 10, tigers are nippy little devils IMO. Theyve even been know to go after cories
I oils never out gouramis with tiger barbs in numbers less than 10, tigers are nippy little devils IMO. Theyve even been know to go after cories
I can only go by what my tigers are like and they certainly don't show any signs of aggression towards my other fish.
I oils never out gouramis with tiger barbs in numbers less than 10, tigers are nippy little devils IMO. Theyve even been know to go after cories
I can only go by what my tigers are like and they certainly don't show any signs of aggression towards my other fish.
But when you out them with gouramis they will most likely nip them
Gouramis have those long feelers which are a tasty treat to a Tiger Barb. I had (6) Tigers with (3) Gouramis including a very aggressive male Gold, named King Tiger. On rare occasions one of the Tigers would nip his feeler & in return he'd give chase but the Tiger would return to the school & get lost in the crowd. They nipped the other female Three Spots regularly until I removed them.

I wouldn't recommend Tigers with Gouramis myself, just not a good mix IMO.

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