Tiger Barb Fin Rot


New Member
Jan 25, 2005
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1 of my 8 Tiger barbs have been showning signs of fin loss

The fins on the side, those arm fins, they have been reduced down to barely nothing.

What is wrong.. Can i get any suggestions on things i can do to help him? He may have no arms by the end of this week :-(
Can you remove him to another tank for treatment? And this will stop the others from taking a bite as well.
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, what fish and which type.
Is this a new pack of tigers that you have? Sometimes a lone tiger will not be able to join a "group" and will be stressed and possibly damaged due to aggression from the other tigers. I had a tiger barb which suffered some severe fin damage....I placed him in a breeding trap for a week so that he would get a chance to recover.....Given good water conditions and as little stress as possible it should regrow any lost fins. Good luck!
20 gallon
Last time i checked my water, everything was fine except nitrate, but after changing water ever so often I think it has dwindled down.

As for the inhabitants
I have

2 Striped Tbarbs
3 Green Tbarbs
4 Albino Tbarbs

And one of the Striped Tbarbs have Severe Fin damage, he has barely any fins left, i think what you are saying, digital run, is what i am going through right now, But i have no place to move him to recooperate :no:

I am planning to start a 10 gallon very soon to promote breeding within my colony, but I am still saving up for that, I have $100 saved up so far, and I don't know how much more I need to start a successful 10 gallon breeding zones for my Barbs.
Really in order to breed tigers you'll need a 30gal tank (idealy).....As for your injured tiger see if you can take him back to your IFS....explain the situation and even though they might not give you any $ back....its better than letting him die in my opinion...
Sorry to here about the aggression, tigers are like that though.

I would suggest doin what digital run did. Buy a small breeding cage, and let him heal, then re-introduce him. That way, u have a breeding trap for when u do breed your tigers, and the other fish can get to know the fish through the breeding cage so hopefully the bullying stops in its tracks.


Benny! :thumbs:

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