Tiger Barb companions


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I was wondering what are the best types of fish that can be put in a community tank with Tiger Barbs?
How big a tank? How many tiger barbs?

You could go with a mostly barb tank, since they would all be able to hold their own. However, if you have enough tigers and want other species of fish, then you could go with tetras, danios, and other fast fish.

Flowing fins and lethargy are not suggested, of course. :p
If you have about 7 or more, the tiger barbs will generally keep to themselves and not bother anyone else. Then you would be able to put pretty much anything you want. If you have less then that, i would probably think the best tankmates would be bottom dwellers, cories, for example.

Thanks for the advise. I'm going to look at some Tetras, but I'm not sure what kind. How about some Harlequin Rasboras? They're a nice schooling fish that's quick.
Depending on what tank size you have and what kinda of fish you like, you could go with some dwarf cichlids like rams or keyholes.
digital_run said:
Depending on what tank size you have and what kinda of fish you like, you could go with some dwarf cichlids like rams or keyholes.
I have two Blue rams in a 10 gal that I'm considering putting in my 30 gal with the Tiger Barbs. Hopefully they'll all get along. Is it true that if the Tiger barbs are feed well, they won't be as aggressive?
leafs said:
[. Is it true that if the Tiger barbs are feed well, they won't be as aggressive?
Usually feeding isnt a reason for aggression. With tiger barbs its usually due to lack of proper numbers and lack of swimming space. I'd be worried about aggression from your rams before your tigers.
digital_run said:
leafs said:
[. Is it true that if the Tiger barbs are feed well, they won't be as aggressive?
Usually feeding isnt a reason for aggression. With tiger barbs its usually due to lack of proper numbers and lack of swimming space. I'd be worried about aggression from your rams before your tigers.
leafs said:
digital_run said:
Depending on what tank size you have and what kinda of fish you like, you could go with some dwarf cichlids like rams or keyholes.
I have two Blue rams in a 10 gal that I'm considering putting in my 30 gal with the Tiger Barbs. Hopefully they'll all get along. Is it true that if the Tiger barbs are feed well, they won't be as aggressive?
My rams and barbs have a healthy respect for each other. Once in a while the male Ram will get territorial over a food pellet and chase the barbs away, but no damage is done and the barns have never nipped at the rams - even when they were much smaller.

All my other fish work well with my barbs.
I used to have a 30 gallon planted with 11 tiger barbs and a red tailed black shark that got along great and looked fantastic.

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