Tiger Barb Changed Color?


New Member
May 4, 2011
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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but a few months ago, I got 4 tiger barbs, or at least what the pet shop called tiger barbs. I noticed today, that one of the fish has changed color. It used to be striped but now it's turned black and a reddish color. Is this normal or should I be worried??
Male tiger barbs do go much darker and redder when in spwaning condition; but have a google of 'black ruby barbs' as they go even darker; when not in spawning condition the two fish do look quite similar so it's possible they were mis-sold to you.

There's always the possiblity it could be stress; either from being bullied or from poor water conditions; what size is the tank, how long has been set up and what are the inhabitants? when did you last test the water or do a water change?
Thanks. I googled "black ruby barbs" and that is what this one looks like... Actually, I think three of them may have been miss sold to me as tiger barbs, but oh well. Only one has the orange fins.

But, to answer your questions:

They are in a 14-gallon tank (have been since I got them). I got the tank from my cousin, and they've had it for years. They just drained the water, and we moved it down the street and put more water into it. I change the filter cartrages every 2 weeks, like they say too and do a 25% water change weekly. I have 4 barbs, 2 mollies and a platy as well as a sucker fish in there. So far, I haven't lost any fish since I came to own this tank in February... Though, I am fairly new to this fish hobby thing. :)
Don't bother changing the filter cartridges; that's just a ploy by the manufacturers to get more money from you. Just rinse them out in old tank water; if you replace them you'll be losing your good bacteria :)
Really? I know there are the ones you aren't supposed to change. We're talking about the blue ones? Thanks for that info!
Nope. Don't change any of them...at least not until they are falling apart. When you do have to change them, only do one at a time.

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