Tiger barb BULLY

:eek: no, no,no..........you won't get away with only 4 tiger barbs!! 8 is the least amoutn you should keep, you MAY get away with 6, but less than 6 and yur asking for trouble!

when kept in a shoal of at least 8, tiger barbs will concentrate their aggression amongst themselves, fighting for higher ranks in the shoal lol..............that means they won't have enough time to bother yur other fish....
I disagree, in a smaller tank they are closer to each other and so there need not be as many as 8. I have 5 tiger barbs and 1 rosy and I have no problems at all with them and this is in a big tank.
yes, I had 4 for about 3 months before i added another 4, and they were fine. Like I said, I've never seen them being aggressive to any other tankmate
sorry i got a little confused when i look up my readings on my chart it shows that a reading of 1.2 with a ph of 7.5 is roughly 0.03 of ammonia in the tank. dus that sound a little better

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