Hi all.
I've got a group of 5 tiger barbs (3 normal, 2 green) in a 30"x12"x18" planted tank. I've had them for several months, but lately (last couple of weeks) one of the green ones and one of the normal ones have started hiding a lot... behind the filter, behind pieces of wood etc. Which is obviously worrying. They come out to feed and dart around normally after the food along with the others, but once they've eaten they go back into hiding. They are a little bit smaller than the other 3, which made me suspect that they were being bullied. So I bought a load of vallis plants for the back of my tank to break up the lines of sight and give extra cover in the middle/top areas.
I thought it might coax out the smaller shy fish, which it seems to have done. And now that the smaller fish are out and about a bit more than usual I've been able to have a proper look at them (when they previously were coming out to feed I couldn't get a good look at them because they were darting around too quickly). There are no obvious signs of disease, but unfortunately both fish have lost both of their pectoral fins... the normal one has small stumps, but the green one has almost nothing left . They mostly try to keep out of the way of the other fish as the larger healthy ones will chase them around a bit, but I have even seen the two injured fish having a go at each other! Picking at each others stumps where the pectorals used to be! It's all really quite upsetting to see and I really don't know what to do for the best. Adding more barbs would create a larger group, thus easing the tension a bit, because I know that barbs are less agressive in larger groups. But at the same time, the more healthy fish there are I would imagine the weaker ones will be bullied more! Should I get some clove oil in and euthanise the injured fish and get some more barbs to keep a bigger group and try to start again and keep agression down? I don't want to euthanise them. But I really don't know what to do.
So far I've given them extra cover with the vallis plants and I've been dosing the tank with melafix and doing small water changes every few days, but other than that I'm a bit lost. Since adding the plants they are out and about more, but they are still being picked on.
If anybody has any ideas, I'd be really appreciative. Many thanks in advance for any responses
I've got a group of 5 tiger barbs (3 normal, 2 green) in a 30"x12"x18" planted tank. I've had them for several months, but lately (last couple of weeks) one of the green ones and one of the normal ones have started hiding a lot... behind the filter, behind pieces of wood etc. Which is obviously worrying. They come out to feed and dart around normally after the food along with the others, but once they've eaten they go back into hiding. They are a little bit smaller than the other 3, which made me suspect that they were being bullied. So I bought a load of vallis plants for the back of my tank to break up the lines of sight and give extra cover in the middle/top areas.
I thought it might coax out the smaller shy fish, which it seems to have done. And now that the smaller fish are out and about a bit more than usual I've been able to have a proper look at them (when they previously were coming out to feed I couldn't get a good look at them because they were darting around too quickly). There are no obvious signs of disease, but unfortunately both fish have lost both of their pectoral fins... the normal one has small stumps, but the green one has almost nothing left . They mostly try to keep out of the way of the other fish as the larger healthy ones will chase them around a bit, but I have even seen the two injured fish having a go at each other! Picking at each others stumps where the pectorals used to be! It's all really quite upsetting to see and I really don't know what to do for the best. Adding more barbs would create a larger group, thus easing the tension a bit, because I know that barbs are less agressive in larger groups. But at the same time, the more healthy fish there are I would imagine the weaker ones will be bullied more! Should I get some clove oil in and euthanise the injured fish and get some more barbs to keep a bigger group and try to start again and keep agression down? I don't want to euthanise them. But I really don't know what to do.
So far I've given them extra cover with the vallis plants and I've been dosing the tank with melafix and doing small water changes every few days, but other than that I'm a bit lost. Since adding the plants they are out and about more, but they are still being picked on.
If anybody has any ideas, I'd be really appreciative. Many thanks in advance for any responses