Tiger Barb and Danio tempermants


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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Trying to figure out the temperments of both danios and tiger barbs. I know he barbs will fin nip slow moving fishes and like to school.

Can tiger barbs in a shoal be trusted with gouramis, clown loaches, and Zebra dainos without killing anyone?

Also what is the mentalitly of zebra danios??
I've heard people say they'll nip but I want to be sure. I'm considering them for another tank that will be community but MAY get a set of angelfish but hasn't been decided yet.

Lay it on me.
I've never kept tigers, but I do know that if you don't want them to go after your other fish, that you need to keep them in large groups, like 6 or more. Then they will concentrate more on themselves and not on the other fish. They may be ok with your other fish in a large group, but the others you're looking at are all pretty peaceful...I'd be a bit worried myself... :crazy:

As for the danios, I love them. They do have a tendancy to chase other fish, but I've never had mine nip. They just like to play. Again, if you don't want them chasing your other fish and possibly stressing them out, you should probably look into getting a larger school. I have three in my 25 gallon and they will sometimes chase my betta, but the betta gets them right back by chasing them. ;)
Arashi said:
I've never kept tigers, but I do know that if you don't want them to go after your other fish, that you need to keep them in large groups, like 6 or more. Then they will concentrate more on themselves and not on the other fish. They may be ok with your other fish in a large group, but the others you're looking at are all pretty peaceful...I'd be a bit worried myself... :crazy:

As for the danios, I love them. They do have a tendancy to chase other fish, but I've never had mine nip. They just like to play. Again, if you don't want them chasing your other fish and possibly stressing them out, you should probably look into getting a larger school. I have three in my 25 gallon and they will sometimes chase my betta, but the betta gets them right back by chasing them. ;)
I'll have at least 6 more likely 10 of either fish.
Sky042 said:
I'll have at least 6 more likely 10 of either fish.
Then you should be alright. But like I said, I've never kept tigers so I'm not 100% sure about them. But the danios will be super happy in a school that big...might even keep them from chasing anything else too. ;)
Arashi said:
Sky042 said:
I'll have at least 6 more likely 10 of either fish.
Then you should be alright. But like I said, I've never kept tigers so I'm not 100% sure about them. But the danios will be super happy in a school that big...might even keep them from chasing anything else too. ;)
SO I guess you wouldn't know if tiger barbs would chase/nip zebra danios
Well, I honestly don't kow how fast tigers are, but I doubt if they could catch a zebra. Zebra danios are very fast and are always on the move in zig zaggy patterns...they rarely ever stop.
My tiger barb tank has 10 in it and they never "break formation" :) The only other fish that they are with though is two otos, and they free swim a lot and aren't ever bothered. I agree with Arashi, that a large school is key. :nod:
Sorrell said:
My tiger barb tank has 10 in it and they never "break formation" :) The only other fish that they are with though is two otos, and they free swim a lot and aren't ever bothered. I agree with Arashi, that a large school is key. :nod:
hmm cool I'm thinking 3-4 pairs of gouramis mixed with a shoal of tigers a pair or tri of ottos and a trio of clowns for my newest tank 54corner

For the main tank 46bow I'm thinking shoal of zebra dainos, cardinal shoal, lemon tetra school, raspbora school, 4-6 cories and something as my main focus point fish probably either a pair of larger bala's or maybe some rainbow's or whatever strikes my fancy that'll stand out from the small shoaling fish.
I have 6 tiger barbs with 12 Zebras and they don't bother each other at all. The only time they even interact is at feeding time and that's fairly rare because the zebra's munch as soon as it hits the water and the tigers normally wait till the food starts to sink. I do think my Zebra's were nipping my long skirt's though unless they did it to each other, which is possible. Ok to make a short story long ;-) They should be fine. I even at one point had 4 Zebra's with 6 barbs in a 10g and they were fine.

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