Tiger and Green Barbs


Jun 14, 2004
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Just want to know if they'll school together? Do tiger barbs or green barbs school very well anyways? How many could I keep in my 33G? (Look at profile for list of fish)

Also would like to hear any experience people have with this fish. I'm getting them in part because I know they prefer soft & acidic water and that's exactly what I have...

Also, I read that tiger barbs nip fins... Will they leave my cories alone? Can't do much to a BN pleco I assume but I'm just checking. My betta in my 33G will be moved to his own 1.5G kritter keeper once I get some fish for the tank. Waste of space IMO, looks so empty except for some plants and a few cories...

Hi disco

my school of 15tbs(10 reg,2green,2albino) all school together.
I have cories and and they haven't touched them.

If you keep tbs in a group of 6 or more you shold haveno problems,
aggression wise.
Yep just like wolf said they will school together....Green/Albino/Regular Tigers are just different color strains but still the same fish....They get a reputation for fin nipping when A) kept in small groups (5 or less) and B ) when kept with slower long finned fish such as Bettas/ Gouramis etc....They do best in a tank that has cover/plants on the outside and an open swimming space in the middle...They do not cope well with high Nitrite/Nitrate levels and seem to prosper with frequent small water changes..HIH a little. ;)
Just what I wanted to hear. Probably going to get 8... Do they school tightly? Any other suggestions on what I could keep in there as well? Thanks for the input guys!
Yea there great together.... They always look like a pack of hooligans....the best part about introducing a new school of Tigers is watching the little dominance dances they do...This is two of the Lip locked and flared spinning in a circle....These little "dances" are perfectly normal and no one ever gets hurt...such a blast...Mine dont do it anymore because they know whos boss. You'll like having them...colorful and active and always hungry.

8 is a perfect number...You going to mix it up and get a few Greens? Like 5 and 3...Have you seen the albino form yet..Im not to big on Albino anything so i strayed away from them....They school fairly tightly but will spend time on their own looking for food but never too far away from others. A BN would be good...Or a dwarf NW like Keyholes or Rams.

Yea, I was already planning to get a BN pleco for algae... I've got two pieces of driftwood on either sides of the tank and plenty of swimming space in the middle, plus a lot of plants for them to ahve fun in... :D Probably going to mix half and half, although I've not seen the albino variety before.
They actually look ok in this pic...still not my thing though.

my mixed (green, regular, albino) shoal of tigers also school together with my black ruby barbs. tho the black rubies are a bit more "nervy" than the tigers. Except at feeding time - which is just a mad frenzy from all of them!!
YOu'll love your Tigers.. they've got great character. I started with 3 Tiger and 3 green. THe green ones unfortuately died from some sort of muscle wasting disease. Got more tigers to replace them.... then got more... and more... got kinda addicted. :D

I have 8 regular and 6 green Tigers and I love the way the greens contrast with the regular Tigers. They all like mix together nicely. I'm not too crazy about the albino's either. Like digital_run said, they don't do well if nitrites and nitrates are high. I lost a few a while back due to high nitrate levels. I've added some plants now and it helps keep the nitrate level low.
hi we started with 3 tigers & 3 green tigers when we first got barbs & they always hung together, i dont think the greenies actually know theyre green if you know what i mean :D . they spend a large part of the day hanging together, & then some time by themselves pottering around. ours make us laugh by doing what we call the 'tank patrol' every am & pm swimming in a tight little group round & about the tank - just checking out whats happening in their world. they also everynow & again have little fights where 2 of them ( sometimes a 3rd tries to join in ) spin madly back & forth nose to nose dorsal fins up at 'full sail',, hillarious to watch, its a fight to see whos going to be king for the day ( we think!). they also have times where they swim madly in a tight little group against our filter current, makes me laugh as they take turns at being leader in the formation & then the leader will peel off to the back of the pack & let someone else have a go :D :D theyre fantastic fish & we'd have loads more if we had room. sadly we lost 2 of our original greens a while ago ( dropsy ) & now have 5 tigers & one green, mr green hangs with the stripey ones all the time & we are definitley going to get another green or 2 as soon as we can. our original tigers we've had for going on 4 years now & we love them they remind me of naughty teenagers the way they behave:D :D
ours are actually in quite hard water (pH around 7.8 - london tap stuff) but seem quite happy, but as said they dont like nitrite (does any fish ) & will start floating nose down with nitrite in the tank ( although they park nose down at nighttime when sleeping too)
we've had ours with peppered corys for nearly 4 years & they never bother the corys in fact never have bothered any of our other fish at all, but you do need at least 6 as said - that way theyre too busy creating mischief amongst themselves to bother with any tankmates) see my signature ot see who else shares our tigers world.

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