New Member
Well two fish have died in two days started to make me wonder about the water. I took a water sample to the lfs and they said my nitrate and nitrite was through the roof. So they informed me to ad what is called phos x ( its suppose to trap phosphate, nitrate,nitrite) just kinda skeptikal about that. I did a 30% water change and a 60% gravel cleaning. Also the water a hazzy milky white. so i broke down and got a test kit so here are my numbers
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.0
nitrite 2.0-5.2
nitrate 160
so if anyone can help me with that issue it is more then welcome thanks
ph 7.2
ammonia 0.0
nitrite 2.0-5.2
nitrate 160
so if anyone can help me with that issue it is more then welcome thanks