Thunder Is Scary


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
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glenside, pa
So I hide in the tub


awwwww, my old dog used to do that lol and would also get so nervous he would bite the shampoo bottles. When he got older he would always want to get into my closet, and I would put a blanket over him which made him feel better, the blanket had to he oer his eyes, and well my closet is tiny:

We have a mixed poodle/shih tzu and she is terrified of thunder, fireworks or anything that bangs. She even gets scard when it starts getting cloudy and a the mention of the words "thunder" or "storm". She gets in the chair beside my wife or me. She won't even go outside to do her business if it has been thundering and she is a wreck on the Fourth of July or New Years Eve.
Oh, she's fine, we just leave her alone and eventually she creeps back out. Thankfully she doesn't bite the shampoo! The only way to get the dg to go out if thunder is starting is to put a leash on, take her into the front yard, and hope you make it in before it starts raiing! :lol: She's goofy. She's afraid of a lot of things, most notably crickets and my mom sneezing.
The only way to get the dg to go out if thunder is starting is to put a leash on, take her into the front yard, and hope you make it in before it starts raiing!
Ours will not go outside on her own even 3 hours after the storm is over. I have to put the leash on her, arry her out into the yard and just stand there until she does her business. And sometimes she still won't. She'll pull on the leash until is starts to choke her and I then just go back inside.
Awww.. poor doggy

Our older dog Bing is absolutely terrified of thunder, fireworks, anything like that.
She's started to just start getting scared when she knows it's raining.. probably b/c she thinks it'll thunder any minute.
She will follow us around the house panting and shaking and just wants to be near us when she gets scared.

She'll sometimes go outside if the storm has passed and the thunder is in the distance, but I'll have to stand outside with her or she'll jump over the fence and get loose.
We can't leave her outside for long. B/c if by some chance a transformer explodes, or any other noise she's scared of happens, she will climb over the fence and get out of the yard.
We've had to search for her quite a few times when she's gotten out... not good considering we live on a VERY busy road.

Oh... and our dog Bing has gotten our older cat afraid of thunder now as well! She'll either hide under the recliner or follow Bing around and lay by her. It's actually pretty cute.
Our older dog Bing is absolutely terrified of thunder, fireworks, anything like that.
She's started to just start getting scared when she knows it's raining.. probably b/c she thinks it'll thunder any minute.
She will follow us around the house panting and shaking and just wants to be near us when she gets scared.
That's our Trixie. She associates clouds with thinder and as soon as it clouds up, she starts looking for us. She can also hear it thunder way before we do, even in the house.
I used to have a yorkie that was like that years ago. Any loud noises would have him shaking, storms were bad, fireworks were worse. I had to set up all my guitar gear in the garage, this would set him off as well.

He was fine with louder noises until one evening when I was in an apartment lightning nailed a tree down the block, with a tremendous boom. It knocked him off the bed, he was shaking for two days. A trip to the vet found nothing wrong physically, it just startled him out of a sound sleep.
My boyfriend had a dog several years ago that was terrified of thunder, and ended up getting out, he was let out to go to the bathroom and a smack of thunder hit and the dog took off, and the next day when my boyfriend went to work, he heard one of his co workers talking abou thow this dog ran into his house last night and jumped on his couch lol, my boyfriend asked what the dog looked like, and sure enough, it was his lol. My boyfriend's house is in the country and the dog ran into the next town which is about 5 or 6 km from here lol
we had a dog run in our back yard new years morning a couple of years back, was obviousley scared by the thunder and bolted. we gave her a bath n she slept on my bed with me all day watching movies, we got in contact with her owners and that night took her home.

but walking home from the bus stop last night after work, i saw this little ball of fluff running towards me, this poor petrafied dog. i nelt down n slowly got it walk towards me, took bout five minutes, itd take a few steps n then stop n groul, the poor thing looked to have a limp, and no collar, got so close to gettin it, but then this stupid car sped down the road n let of this massive bang so the dog bolted, went down one of the wuiet naughbouring streets so hopefully it found some where safe there.

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