Depending on the water hardness as mentioned above (though plenty of products to make it harder if you need too) I'd recommend going for Malawi Cichlids.
An all male Peacock and Hap tank would be good but you'd need a lot of research, or a Mbuna tank. Peacocks and Haps live in open water vs Mbuna which live in rocks, stick to species that stay under 6 inches and be prepared to slightly overstock to help with aggression. Mbuna you're best keeping in mixed groups - 1 male to 4-7 (or more) females, things like Socolofi, Acei, Rusties, Yellow or White Labs, Saulosi are all nice peaceful species that get great colours on both genders. A simple rule with Mbuna is not to keep more than one species that looks the same - eg one yellow group, one blue group, one striped group, one white group etc. There are some more aggressive species that could work too like Metriaclima and Labeotropheus but avoid some of the really aggressive species like Auratus and Kennyi. Again research is a bit key with Mbuna but I think a bit easier than Peacocks, you'll get the colour you were looking for from your discuss too