Three Lined Cory


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Maine, USA
SO I am really into the three lined corys and I am thinking of getting some. Which substrate would be best for them, and would a school of like, 10 be good for them? Also, are they peacful fish?
Thanks for any and all help.
All cories should be kept on a sand substrate, IMO. With cories, it's always a case of the more the merrier, so a shoal of 10 would be great. All cories are peaceful; just make sure their tank mates aren't too boisterous :)

I'm sure you'll enjoy having them, they're marvellous fish :good:
Sweet. Right now I have 1 panda cory (all of his brethren died), but I like the 3 lined more. If I did get 3 lined, would the panda school with them?
It would yes, and is better than no company at all, but more pandas would be preferable; how about having 5 pandas and five three-lined?
I think I might do that. I hope that my LFS will have both of them
Haha. That's a good idea to too. It would have to wait until I get a new tank (hopefully 100 gallons) because I will want more room so theyre not all cramped together.

If I had a plant like Dwarf Baby Tears covering most of the tank floor, but I still had some sand exposed, would that be okay for cory s?

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