Threadfin Rainbows - Females


Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 10, 2008
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I went to my preferred lfs today, MA@Basingstoke to get Threafin Rainbowfish which I knew had some. However they were all male. Now I know some people won't buy females of a lot of species as they aren't normally as colourful or interesting to look at, but for peaceful, shoaling species I prefer to have a 'natural' ratio of M to F. Does anyone know anywhere near or nearish to Basingstoke that stocks female threadfins? Actually doeas anyone know anywhere that stocks female Golden Pencilfish too?

Thanks, Jo
FairOak, on the outskirts of Eastleigh, has some at Aquajardin and possibly Maidenhead Aquatics... But I'm sure someone closer to northern Hampshire will "pipe up."
I called around a bit this afternoon and came up with MA@Guildford who have both female Pencilfish and Threadfins! Result :yahoo:
Went to Guildford this afternoon and picked up my Threadfin girlies and the boys went crazy, flaring at them constantly! They've settled down now that the novelty has worn off. In a way I can see why the females aren't stocked so much as they are a plain silver with a pretty irridescent sheen and blue eyes but very plain in comparison to the males (as usual). I'm still slightly outof balance with 10 males and 6 females (I had to get a fully grown male so my husband could see what our juvies would grow into) but hopefully in a few weeks (after payday) I can nip back and get the rest of the girls.

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