Threadfin Rainbowfish


New Member
May 5, 2005
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Vancouver B.C. Canada
I have a 60 gallon schooling tank with neon tetras, black neons, cardinals, glowlights, harlequins, white clouds, zebras, and some liverbearers, my favourite fish of all, Endlers, and a few guppies.
I'm going to be getting a bigger tank from a friend soon, and I have always wanted to have Threadfin Rainbowfish. Since my LFS sells them often, I was thinking of getting around 5 of them. I was just wondering, considering the reputation guppys have for nibbing on long finnage if it would be safe to combine the rainbows with the guppies (or any of the other fish I have, for that matter)
I haven't had any previous problem with the guppies, but only because I haven't kept them with fancier fish before.
I have google searched this to death, and I can't seem to find any information. I'm thinking that since this is going to be a large tank very active tank, and threadfins can swin very fast, there won't be much problem, however I really would like to have some feedback or personal experience regarding this, small or large tanks. The Threadfins are expensive, and I'd hate for them to get nipped up by a cheap jealous guppy. :-(

I am also thinking of getting Sparkling (pygmy) Gouamis. Any known conflicts there?
I don't think you will have a problem with the guppies/threadfins
you are more likely to have a problem with the threadfins eating the endlers
same can be said for the zebra danios.
The-Wolf said:
I don't think you will have a problem with the guppies/threadfins
you are more likely to have a problem with the threadfins eating the endlers
same can be said for the zebra danios.
Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina werneri) would attack the Endlers? :eek:
Everything I have heard is that they are very placid, and males display their finnage without attacking each other. They are also only grow a max of 3 cm long.
Are we even talking about the same fish? :lol:

As for the Zebra Danios, they were on loan from a friend to help finish the cycling process of my Betta tank, they will soon be bye bye. I don't care for Danios -_-
ok, thats the trouble with common names

And what is wrong with Danios :grr:

The-Wolf said:
ok, thats the trouble with common names

And what is wrong with Danios :grr:

Haha, I knew you would going to come back to me with that one, I didn't notice your signature until after I posted :rofl:

I just don't like Danios because they grow too big for the species I keep. I haven't had any problems with them otherwise.
Iriatherina werneri are completely harmless.
Lateral Line said:
Iriatherina werneri are completely harmless.
I thought so, but what I am concerned about is whether or not my guppies will have a problem with them and their fancier finnage.
The experience that I learned was that threadfins have very small mouths and are choosy about the size of food they eat. As well, most of the tetras that shared the tank were much quicker and would seem to get the lions share of the food.
Gazoo said:
The experience that I learned was that threadfins have very small mouths and are choosy about the size of food they eat. As well, most of the tetras that shared the tank were much quicker and would seem to get the lions share of the food.
Yes, from what I read they have normal sized mouth and small throats and can choke very easily. I have also hear they are fussy. I didn't think much about the tetras hoarding the food, though. I can alway observe to find their usual 'hang out' and feed them smaller food with a turkey baster after I have feed the othe fish. Think that might work?
They do have small mouths, but I never found them to be particulaly fussy feeders. If it fitted, they ate it. When breeding them, the fry are very difficult to raise, they require copious infusoria for some weeks before they are ready to eat larger food.

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