Threadfin Rainbowfish


Apr 19, 2004
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Kent, england
Does anyone keep these beautful fish? I want to keep a small shoal, but I don't know how their water has to be, or anything, what they eat etc. The books I have aren't helping me, so I thought I'd ask where people might keep them. Puls would they get along in my 26gallon, I want to pput 3 male guppies and 2 dwarf honey gouramis in there as well.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hey sailfingirl, threadfin rainbows are basically the same as neon rainbowfish, they are pretty hardy little things and if they are anything like my rainbows, will eat anything!! (mine are in with both guppies and dwarf gouramis and they dont bother each other)

Threadfin Rainbows are very nice fish. I have some, They Usually come in a silver to dark grey color. Some do have a very bright white line going down the fish.

Their Fins are Usually Black, But try and see them flare to see the colors properly.

The most common are Yellow's, But there are Green/Red/Blue

AS Said they are tough little fish and will tolerate alot.

If you get some, get atleast 4-6 to make a nice group.

Also the Females do not have a 2nd Dorsal fin and are bigger.

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