Threadfin Rainbow


Fish Crazy
Mar 8, 2006
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scotland uk
i have just bought some threadfin rainbows,there a lovley looking fish and are not very big,does any1 else own these fish and tell me a bit more info?also can these fish breed what kind of condation do they prefer

I have had threadfins in the past and they were indeed lovely fish. When the males display it's a sight to see! The best ratio is several females to a male and you'll then get to see them displaying at their best. I gae them finely crushed flake food as they have larger mouths and tiny throats. They can be kept with more peaceful fish as in nothing too active. I had mine in with cardinal tetras.

Not sure what conditions they need for breeding though
thats a grat vid!! the threadfins i have are still very young and i am not able to sex them yet,i dont sewe them for sale very often in my area they are a lovely fish im surrprised there not more readily avaible

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