

Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2007
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got tank the other day (aquastart 320 28 litre) primarily as a betta tank and this is the stocking im thinking about
- a male betta
- 4 pygmy cories
- 4/5 cherry shrimp
- 2 ADF's (not sure yet due to problems with shrimp)
- 3 Assassin snails
- (maybe 1 apple snail?)
just wondered if someone in this section can give me advice on the non fish stocking of the tank?

also wanted to know if you can mix shrimp type and if i could add any more?

is there anything else interesting i can add or replace something with?
Cherry shrimp are 50/50 with betta's, personally I wouldn't keep shrimp smaller than Amano with a betta after my old betta killed the cherry's I added.

The Assassin snails will need other snails to eat, unless you have plenty of pest snails too feed them i wouldn't bother getting them.
any more thoughts?

would like to know what else is available?

can you mix shrimp?
You can mix any Dwarf shrimp although if you have two of the same family they may cross breed e.g. 2 Cardinia species or 2 Neocardinia species.

What type of filtration would you have in the tank?

The tank is very bottom heavy and an apple is not suitable a Nerite would be a lot better to accomplish the same job. Your colony of shrimp is too small you will never see them with all those predators around and hardly any babies will make it to adulthood say 95% will be eaten start with 15-20. ADF's eat shrimp however they are normally too slow and cumbersome it is a risk but nothing major. Tank should be very densely planted at the rear and sides with a small cave system for the shrimp on say the left and a slightly larger caves system on the right for the ADFs and Cories. Just get some pond snails most people will sell them for free just pay postage and LFS normally have them on their plants anyway with the assassins the pond snail colny won't get large unless you become excessive with feeding the fish. Cories and ADFs are a challenging match due to the ADFs being slow to notice food to the point where many people just direct feed with a pipette and cories being active bottom feeders.

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