Thoughts On Plec Stocking


New Member
May 31, 2012
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West Wales
I would like to hear your thoughts on stocking these cats in the same tank, the tank size is 48"x 26" deep x 18" wide, this is cycling at the moment.
I would like to have 1x peckoltia vittata, 1 x bulldog, 1 x bristle nose, 10x panda corys and I already have a false Siamese algae eater.
I have no objections to lots of feeding and cleaning.
A Bulldog (Chaetostoma spp.) and BN (Ancistrus spp.) could definitely share the same setup, they both do really well in a high flow sub-tropical tank at ~21C. While BN are quite adaptable, Chaetostoma are very specialised fish and tankmates must be comfortable in their strict requirements eg. Synodontis brichardi; Steatocranus spp.; Brycinus logipinnis; Aphyocharax anisitsi; Astyanax mexicanus.
The tank has external filtration plus a power head for water movement, air pump running two air stones, other tank mates are likely to be various small danios ie leopard and zebra, harlequin rasbora, and a rescued golden wonder killi ( looking for some females for him).
Would the peckoltia not be ok in there too?
Does the bottom sound like its a bit crowded?
It sounds like the bulldog is the one that has the most specialized requirements.
Why not get trio of vittata?

Chance of spawning, observing natural bahviour etc and you don't have to compromise on trying to fit a the Chaetostoma in temperature wise.

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