Thoughts on my Setup?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie here and would like some thoughts/advice on my setup.

I got an Eclipse 12 gallon tank (good deal - a friend got it as a gift and didn't want it!). I heard from a few people that they're nice tanks, so I'm hoping that is the case. I know I'm impressed by how quiet it is.

My experience is really limited with aquariums -- mostly what I know is from my parents, who used to have both freshwater and saltwater tanks before I was born. They're kind of from the "old-school" of thought though and did the cycling with fish... however, I read on this forum about the fishless-cycling, and I think I'd like to try that instead. (It seems much more humane!)

Anyway, I'm ultimately hoping to have a pair of dwarf gourami and I've read that they like a planted tank including some plants that float on the top of the water. I've also been reading the section of the forums about plants, but I'm a little confused as to where adding plants fits into the fishless-cycling process?

I'm heading to the LPS after work tonight, so I'd like some advice as to what I should pick up. I know I need to get a water-testing kit (haven't gotten that yet), and what else? I was really excited to pick up a plant or two, but I want to do this the right way.

Thanks in advance!
- Mandi
Welcome to the forums and fishkeeping, Mandi! :)

Fishless cycling is definitely more humane and plants can be added right at the beginning because they help the establishment of the nitrogen cycle and beneficial bacteria. I have heard that gouramis sometimes eat plants so you should probably do some research on what plants they would dislike eating, most likely java ferns and anubias plants which don't require too much light either.

You might want to check out this link to start out right with a planted tank. First Planted Tank.
With a planted tank light and substrate will be your main concerns. Don't wory about CO2 until much later.

Hope this helps and don't hesitate to ask further questions. :D
also you can use this site: to look at profiles of plants - look at ones labelled "easy" and which have low light requirements, and you should be fine. :)

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