Thoughts On Hair Algea And Chaeto.


Mar 28, 2006
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Norfolk , UK
As you may or may not know I've been battling an annoying hair algea problem in my tank. Those who have had a 'flare up' of hair algea in a mature tank will know it doesn't go away overnight. The trouble is the hair algea in the tank out competes the Chaeto in the fuge for nutrients(and the skimmer come to that), which stops the chaeto from growing,all the time the tanks water remains at 0ppm P04 and 0ppm N03. Therefore the only option for its removal is to get your hands in there and spend hours picking it off,this gets more tedious as you start to get the algea in retreat because you have to pick off smaller and smaller bits. I had read raising the Mg in the water column to 1500ppm weakens the algeas hold and this does seem to be the case :good: The other noticeable effect of this algea is my xenia stopped growing(most unusual) so the algea also takes away something that needs(possibly iodine).

Now the thing is,after getting the algea receding my chaeto still isn't growing very fast(although it is growing), in happier less algea plagued times the chaeto grew very fast in my H.O.B fuge, which was lit by an 11w PC 'plant grow' light on a reverse light cycle to the display. To better it and speed up the growth I got an 18" 15w T8 plant grow tube(with reflector)for a more even coverage(got a T8 as its length exactly covers the cheatos growing chamber) and fitted it about an inch above the water in the fuge(the pc sat about 3" above water and didn't directly cover the whole chamber)
Now I put this new light on 24/7 but I'm still getting poor chaeto growth rate :angry: What I would like to know is other peoples experiences with lighting times of chaeto. Obviously looking on the internet turns up the usual contradictory information, with some people saying 24/7 is best and others saying chaeto needs a dark downtime or growth is affected. So lets hear about your fuge lighting regimes and see if we can't work out whats best :blink:

I can't answer your question very professionally as I'm still quite new to marine but a month or two ago I had a terrible bloom hair algae and it made my tank look horrible and gloomy, CUC just don't seem to make a good job of it at all! I ended up getting my hands into the tank myself and cleaning up the worst parts of the rock, then doing a 30% water change as some came off the rock. I done this twice, at each weekend and the tank was looking much better. I now have a coral beauty who spends most of the day grazing on the rock which is fantastic he seems really happy having so much to eat :lol: my LR looks much better now like when I first got it. Sorry if this isn't the "solution" but it's certainly a quick and easy way to make your tank look better!
i too am relatively new to the whole sump thing, but i've got mine lit 24/7 by a 2x 36w power compact unit. have got various algae in my sump (including Chaeto) and am getting good growth so far.

As for nuisance algae in the main display did you try a mithrax crab? they're supposed to keep hair algae trimmed so that other CUC i.e. snails can eat it. Also i seem to remember sea hares are excellent algae grazers.
Thanks guys, I'm not too worried about the hair algea, that will continue to recede and is doing so, although I do have room for an algea blennie if the quick fix option is ever needed :hey: , I like to control things with balance and the hair algea is just a side effect of things (temporarily)going out of balance.

I'm more interested in what others find is the best lighting regime for chaeto, i.e gives the quickest growth as 24hrs doesn't seem to be working any better for me than when it was on for 14hrs(and I wondered whether it should grow better with 24hr lighting).
Well Johnny, like most, I too have battled the hair algae and played with growing Chaeto. Going with 24 hour lighting will not increase growth time, contrary to popular belief. And with Chaeto, you don't have to worry about it trying to sexually reproduce (like some Culerpa species are prone to), so there's no need with 24 hour lighting. You'd be better off dropping it down to 12 hours, doubling your number of lights, or increasing your wattage somehow and going with that. FWIW I've had the best growth rates with twin 18watt power compact 10k lamps over my fuge on an opposite lighting cycle of my tank. I'm currently considering a DIY high-power LED fixture for my fuge to really jack up the PAR, but that's gonna be a while coming.
.......Going with 24 hour lighting will not increase growth time, contrary to popular belief...............................
Yeah thats how its seeming to me,but I thought I'd ask to be sure :good: although searching t'internet some people absolutely swear by 24hrs.
I'm sure the nocturnal pods will appreciate a 'nightime' too.
I think I may experiment with 18hrs for a couple of weeks, then 16, 14 etc and see what goes best.

...............considering a DIY high-power LED fixture for my fuge to really jack up the PAR, but that's gonna be a while coming.

Sounds interesting, what LEDs would be used for that?

cheers Johnny
Sounds interesting, what LEDs would be used for that?

CREE XR-E 5watt LED's. Probably a bank of somewhere in the 4-6 range. Still struggling with what i want to use for current control
I use an envirolite

chaeto grows very well

I am also using an algae scrubber & slowly beating the hair algae
CREE XR-E 5watt LED's. Probably a bank of somewhere in the 4-6 range. Still struggling with what i want to use for current control
Found these on ebay. Obviously for growing a different sort of 'algea' :lol: They seem to sell blue,red and mixed blue/red(the one I linked to), and they fit a normal screw in small spotlight fixture. Do you think they look ok?(as in the right spectrum). I might try a couple if they are ok.

I am also using an algae scrubber.........

Hows that working out for you?
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Eh, the PAR probably stinks on those. I'm talking something on the lines of 10 times more powerful

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