Thoughts On Gold Algea Eaters

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

I'm fairly new to keeping tropical fish but it hasn't taken long to get hooked. I love my fish! and spend hoursm just watching them. I have:

5 Silver Tipped Tetras - did have 7 but 2 died. (They can be a bit bossy but generally well behaved)
3 Platies (2 male, 1 female. I know this is the wrong ratio but my other female died after giving birth)
2 Gold Algea eaters

I would like to get maybe 3 more female platies so as to keep my 1 female from all that male attention and even a couple more tetras. If this is wrong please let me know.

My question is what do you think of Gold Algea Eaters and how big do they grow? I was told by lfs that they would be alright with the other fish and although they can get a bit bossy do seem to get along with the others. They are about 2" at the moment. The only reason I ask is that I can't find very much info about them and I have heard that some algea eaters can be a bit of a nightmare as they mature and grow very large!!!

My tank is 65L, under gravel filter, shingle substrate and well planted. All water parameters are where they should on the last check.

Ta for any help or any suggestions
I'm afraid your "Golden Algae Eater" or otherwise known as a CAE (Chinese Algae Eater) Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri, can reach up to 10" and are known to become very aggressive and territorial. Generally from 5" upwards this becomes a problem, but some even from a young age. Especially in your situation where two are kept in a very small (for them) tank.
If keeping them, not more than one per average tank (due to territorial problems) and with slow moving flat bodied fish (angel fish, gouramis etc.)

See for more info. So you might be better off rehoming them both (ask the shop if they will have them back) sooner rather than later.
I had 3 CAE's and exchanged them at my LFS without any major problems! From what I have read they grow to 10 inches and as bloozoo2 said they can be a problem

Thanks so much for you advice. I had no idea that they would grow so big. I am going to go and speak to lfs at weekend and see if I can swap them. Any ideas on a smaller alternative?
4 Corys would be a lovely addition :) but only if you rehome the CAE's.

Edit: actually just a thought on your substrate - is it rounded "pebble like" or does it have sharp (ish) edges ? If it's the latter, I'm afraid it's no good for cory's barbels.

The substrate is a rounded pebble. I am definitly going to take the gold algea eater back to lfs. What size do corys grow to? Will they get on with the tetras and platies? I want more platies, just to even out number of male/female, so will I have room. I will have 5 tetra, 4/5 platies and then the 4 cory. Is this ok?
I've kept corys with platties and tetras, but just not Silver Tipped ones. You might just want to check on that, but I'm sure they'll be fine. Rounded pebbles sound fine too (though a finer substrate is more ideal - sand best of all).
There are so many different corys around so it just depends on what's available near you. But on average (the most common ones) reach around 2.5-3"
Hi again,

Thanks for all your help. I had no idea that there was so much to keeping fish. The pebbles are really small so hopefull ok. The tetras get on fine with the platies so again hopefully ok. I will go and check out the corys at the weekend. Thanks again for all your help.

Thanks so much for you advice. I had no idea that they would grow so big. I am going to go and speak to lfs at weekend and see if I can swap them. Any ideas on a smaller alternative?

i have the same problem. i just bought him and he is only like 1-2 inches long and he already is getting a little agressive with my swordtail and female betta in the tank.i plan on keeping him and rehoming him into a 40 gal in about a year

hopefully he stays small enough, but i am getting a 20 gal this summer (crosses fingers)

but when he is not terrorizing looking for food he is quite nice to have in the tank.


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