Thought we were doing so well - not any more! Help


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
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We've had our tank for a month now and have followed all the cycling instructions. The nitrite levels in the tank are basically nothing. We now have (or had) the following fish: 4 neon tetras, 3 xray tetras, 2 network catfish, 3 lampeys, 6 guppy and 1 platty. Until this week we had no fatalities, now in the last few days we have lost a guppy, a neon, 1 lampeye, 1 other lampeye has gone missing and the other is looking dodgy and ALSO the platty is definitely on her way out. Don't know what we have done wrong. My boyfriend thinks its cos they are being bullied and are stressed but I haven't seen any major bullying going on - can anyone help before I'm fishless???? :no: :sad: :-( :/ :alien: :S
Sorry to hear about your loss, could you tell us how often and when you last did a water change? If your water was treated when you did it? What size tank you have? Your water peramiters? As much info as you can give is better, since it helps us to help you. Sandy
Hi Sandy

the ph is 7.0 and nitrites is basically zero. The water temp is fine. We are doing 10% changes every 10 days and of course adding water treatment. My platty is now gone and all the lampeyes. I've been told I should also check for nitrAtes and ammonia but if the ammonia was high wouldn't the nitrites also be high? I'm stumped. I also don't tend to think its the water as we also have 5 platy fry (forgot to mention these before) and they seem really fine. The tank is 16 UK Gal. Any clues?
just cause the Nitrites aren't high doesn't mean that ammonia and Nitrates shouldn't be tested for.
Hi Sal,

when you first start a cycle, you start with ammonia, that inturn turns into nitrites. After these two parts of the cycle are done, you then get Nitrates. In a cycled tank, the nitrates will tell you if you are overfeeding and under cleaning. If the nitrates got up, they are in my opinion just as bad for your fish as the ammonia and nitrite cycle are. I try to keep mine under 20 as i have noticed that if it goes over that amount, i notice problems with my fish. I do a 10% water change in my tanks every week as well as taking out any excess food that my get in there. I am not sure of how much help I am, but I will tell you all that i have learned in my fish keeping experience. Sandy

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