Mostly New Member
I just got a Molly at the end of July, and on August 1st she gave birth to 14 Molly Fry! They are all happy and healthy in their breeder and eating well.
I had heard Mollies can have multiple sets of Fry from one fertilization, and so on day 26, I was expecting to be close to some more fry. Her belly was getting big like it was before she had the fry. But today I saw a HUGE string of poo hanging from her. Yes, I even took a picture.
She has been acting normal, and she even had more poo after that! What is going on?!
Help! I feel like I am being paranoid but I want to make sure she is okay.
I just got a Molly at the end of July, and on August 1st she gave birth to 14 Molly Fry! They are all happy and healthy in their breeder and eating well.
I had heard Mollies can have multiple sets of Fry from one fertilization, and so on day 26, I was expecting to be close to some more fry. Her belly was getting big like it was before she had the fry. But today I saw a HUGE string of poo hanging from her. Yes, I even took a picture.
She has been acting normal, and she even had more poo after that! What is going on?!
Help! I feel like I am being paranoid but I want to make sure she is okay.