Those Who Don't Use Filters


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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Can you give me an iddea of how much water your betta is in and how long it takes for ammonia to build up to a certain level please?
It's been 7 or 8 weeks now and my filters still aren't working :( Rufus went from 0-1 ammonia in 24 hrs the other day!
Thanks for any info :)
Mine probably is not good to go on as 37 litre with filter, I do weekly water changes and never see traces of ammonia due to plants and filter... Has the filter been running this entire time or has it broken? Calling all bowl keepers any help here with ammonia and water regulations??? Sorry couldnt help furhter hon
well it looks like you have an apple snail in there with him. While snails clean algae, they also poop a ton. He might be your culprit.
Thanks guys, the filters have been running all the time.
I think I'm going to get rid of the snails-they poo for England, are rubbish at clearing algae and now I've found them eating the IAl as well. In fact, I'm going to post them in classified now...
I've done that amy, but thanks for the suggestion :) I have another tank cycling which is really close to being finished (haven't stocked it due to holidays) I've used media from there and from a LFS. They've been OK for a week at a time, twice now, then all over the place. I'm at my wits end with them. One of them is supposed to live at work and I don't see him even being settled by the end of the holidays in Sept :(
Forgot to add...have you tried Tetra SafeStart? I have found that to be great to boost a newly started tank/filter :D
cut down on your feeding to every other day, once a day. doubtful the snail is the culprit. they do poo a lot, but in such tiny amounts. you are getting algae due to the ammonia, so once that is sorted, hopefully the algae will go away. if you cut back on feeding, keep the plants trimmed of dead bits and do a 50%-70 waterchange with substrate cleaning every day you should be ok. have you considered adding more fast growing plants while cycling. they should help a LOT if they have good lighting.
all the best
These snails don't poo tiny amounts! They do little piles about the size of a flat pea several times a day. I clean the sand one day, then the next it's covered again.
I am checking ammonia and nitrite every day, and changing water as required (ie if either is above 0.25)
Saying do a 50-70% change every day is fine (and I do appreciate you're only being helpful :)) but I've been doing that on 2 tanks for 7 weeks now and I'm absolutely sick of it. I cycled the media in one of those tanks for 7 weeks prior to that, so I've had months and months of joyless slog and still don't have a tank I can enjoy.
All I do is worry about them and dread testing it each day 'cos I know it's going to be bad :-(
Sorry, to answer your other suggestions. I only feed 4 pellets a day, with a pea one day and nothing one day. The plants I have (java fern in both, plus amazon sword and crypt in the other) aren't going too well-don't really want any more living things to be responsible for. I've already killed several supposedly easy to care for plants during my cycling. Thanks for the suggestions though, I do appreaciate them :)

Sorry jenny, missed that bit. I'll check out the safestart.
Just checked now I'm home and can look at my records, it's been 8 weeks!
Can anyone give me an idea of ammonia build up rates? :thanks:
AFAIK it depends on stocking levels, how much you feed etc. Not sure there's a hard and fast 'table' if you get me?

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