Those elusive Khuli loaches!


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Tought I'd do a little spring cleaning in my tank, clean a few of the rocks, prune the plants etc. The last thing I was expecting to see was a Khuli loach! Having bought about 6 over 4 months ago, and having found two dead and not seeing the rest for about the same amount of time. This was a welcome surprise. But better than this, it was a baby loach! :lol: :rolleyes: :wub:

It was tiny, less than an inch. Could only see one though.

So if you have Khulis and you haven't seen then in a bit. Their in there some where!
Babies :D Well, they must have some parents somewhere in the tank.! BTY do you need to have a sand substrate for them or can they be kept with gravel?
Yeah, I know their in there somewhere, but be damed if I can see 'em! :p

I've got a bit of a mix, half the tank is rounded smooth gravel, while half the tank is sand. The Khuli was in the sand. The tank is Very well planted.

Hopefully there are more. Does anyone know how many they spawn in average?

gadazobe said:
Babies :D Well, they must have some parents somewhere in the tank.! BTY do you need to have a sand substrate for them or can they be kept with gravel?
You can use gravel, but if you do, it should be as fine as you can possibly get your hands on.

For mine, its a shame, because I love the look of the sharper, medium-sized gravel, but also cant go past a few Kuhlis. I guess sand is probably the ideal substrate.
sheesh i get a tank al the stuff ready to try and breed khulis and someone beats me to it! not fair :-( :-( :-(

on a bright side, well done, they dont breed often, kinda hard( you done a very large water change lately)???

they prefer a sandy substrate but will do fine in gravel they will still bury themselves in it! give them lots of hiding places, a few floating plants. the eggs are green normaly they the will stick to the floating plants but some drop down to the gravel. i have no idea how many they produce. They should also be kepp in groups (prefer) 6 or more.

any other questions , well if u do have some you may find the answer on my website, hit my link and say hello to the khulis! :thumbs: there is also some info on the this website somewhere as well.

by the way what kind of khuli you got?
Cryosi thanks for the info.

Acanthophthalmus Kuhli i think, if these are the ones with the tiger stripes. Originally I started off with six but found two dead :-(

This was completely unplanned and unexpected, to be honest I thought they had all perished. Every so often (3-4 weeks) I do a 30% change because of the tanins from my wood - Gets a bit too brown!

I wish they would be a bit more sociable! Maybe I should get a couple more perhaps. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
You should shoot for black khulis, MW, they are not as attractive aesthetically, but are far, far less reclusive.
Never seen any subspecies other than the one I've got.... maybe some at Trimar or something, unless someone can suggest a good retailer?
Tri-Mar had them in last time I looked, not sure if they still do, they where quite cheap too :)
tri mar have them ask monty there! and the black ones are normaly bought in instead of the half banded khulis as they travel better and are far more outgoin as it where! really if u keep khulis you need a gtoup of at least 6 to get the most from them. Black ones seem to be seen more as well. good luck!
Assuming people here have ordered from them before, are they ok? Kinda feel funny about 'through the post fish'! Stock looks awesome!
my lovely little khulis disappeared for a while, but as soon as we rehoused our bigger fish (into a lovely big fat fish tank) the little wiggleys came out to play. They seem to have a big thing about mussels. also I found the more of them you have, the more they like to show off.

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