75 gallon reef aquarium
2 (175 watt) halide bulbs 10,000 k BULBS ARE OVER A YEAR OLD
2 (60 watt) blue actinic bulbs (working on lunar lights) [b][/b]DONT WORK
24" hang on cpr refigium (9 watt 10k bulb/9 watt actinic)
36" mudd filter (three various macro algaes) 18 watt 10k (x2)light and a 9 watt blue actinic/ 9 watt 10k bulb
Acrtica Titanium chiller 1/10 hp NOT ON THE TANK RIGHT NOW
5 various power-heads on a wavemaker THREE WORKING RIGHT NOW NO WAVEMAKER
135 -150 pounds of live rock
5 fire fish gobies DOWN TO TWO
1 mandarin
1 bi-color angel RIP
1 red lip blenny
1 diamond watchman goby RIP
1 court jester goby RIP
1 yellow corris wrasse
3 peppermint shrimp
2 red blood shrimp (fire shrimp)
5 camel shrimp
5 acorpora crabs [color="#0000FF"]NOT SURE IF THEY ARE ALIVE[/color]
100 various snails (less now (getting eaten by crabs) MAYBE 20125 blue leg and red leg hermits MAYBE 50
emerald mithrax crab DEAD
two gipsa clams (1 small/ 1 large) GONE
Marine plants ALL DEAD
shaving brush plant (added 6-12-05)
Java Fern (6-12-05)
Kelp on a rock (6-13-05)
Red Grape (6-13-05)
halimeda plant (6-20-05)
Spaghetti finger Leather (fragged three different places now)
Blue Ridge coral
Candy Cane Coral (12 heads) DOWN TO ABOUT 5 -6 HEADSHammer coral DEAD
Glove polyp
Kenya Tree Coral
Cup Coral (13 inches across ITS HUGE)
Pumping xenia (bushy)
pumping xenia silver branch (freebie 1" 6-10-05)
Button Polyp
pink birdsnest DEAD
Star-burst polyp (three different places)
Ricordea Mushroom (blue/green)
Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral
Cabbage Leather (every-where)
Colony Polyps (three different places)
Colony polyp (yellow) DEAD
Carnation coral DEAD
Chili catus coral DEAD
red/green/spotted, stripped mushrooms (everywhere, where ever they decide to end up)
orange sunfire polyps ALMOST DEADCauliflower colt coral (5-10-5)
med green galaxea (added 5-31-05) LOOKS ROUGH
blastomussa coral/pineapple cup coral (5-31-05)
green flower pot coral (5-31-05)
tree coral (freebie less than 1" 6-10-05)
hairy mushroom (added 6-13-05) DEADorange fire burst zoo's (6-14-05) DEAD
Pink zoo's (6-14-05) DEAD
frogspawn DEADorange tube coral DEAD
butternut stylophora coral DEAD
green zoo's DEAD
purple zoo's DEAD
feed, zoo=plankton, live brine shrimp, cyclopeeze, mysis shrimp.
i have a 6 stage reverse osmosis/DI filter for water changes and top off.