This Tank For Adf?

I calculated it and it should be ok, it is a 35 liter tank, which is 7.7 gallons (based on a calculator i found online, really my math sucks). And i read on here that 2.5 gallons per ADF is ok. it would be a little under what would be recomended, but i dont think it would be that much of a problem. if you could though, id get a little bit bigger of a tank, just to be safe. a betta would be great, provided its not VERY aggresive and doesnt try to nip at the frogs. mine gets along great with the ADF's ive got in with him.
I keep 4 adfs in a 5 gallon with a female betta. Should be fine. Feeding is the only tricky part with tankmates.

thankyou for the replies. i did go out and get this tank yesterday afternoon so will begin the fishless cycle today. it looks like a really nice tank actually, think there will be plenty of room for my little froggy friends in there! will let you all know how it goes :good:

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