This setup OK?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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hi, i am just starting to look into fish since i just got a 60 gallon aquarium from my friend. i have done some research and i think i found what i'd like to do for my tank:

2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gouramis
2 Flame Gouramis
9 Neon Tetras
1 Bristlenose Catfish
3 Clown Loaches ( i am aware they grow big and will move them when they do)
? Guppies ( i'm not sure how many guppies to get so suggestions are appreciated)

so basically i need to know if these guys will get along and if they have similar water requirements so i can house them together. I need to know how many guppies to get too. also i'm not sure what type of light to get for them ( aqua glo, life glo, power glo, etc...

Thanks :D
that sounds ok to me :nod:

you could probably get about 3 guppies in there (same sex or 2 females 1 male, depending on wether you want them to breed).

none of the fish you are interested in need any specific lighting, so any bulb (with a wattage that is suitable for your aquarium size).

I would suggest getting at least five guppies: 1 male, 4 females. My experience has been that male guppies are... well... to make it PG, always chasing the females. I've had males kill the females due to exhaustion if you know what I mean. Too much of the big T I guess.
Watch out if you bread the guppies the other fish will eat the young and can cause stress to the females. I had 2 females and one male and my platties were eating the young and my one female died on me.
:D :cool: sounds like a good tank to me. when your finished post some pics
The flame gouramis will be your best fish!!!

Mine are quite teritorial tho! One has the back left corner an the other the back right! The meet in the middle of the tank at the surface, go side-by-side head to tail then have a sword fight with their whiskers whilst plunging to the bottom of the tank! They then blow bubbles out of their gills and return to their corners! Ding ding! End of round one! They do this all day but never seem to fin nip but just chase each other if one invades the others space!
They rly are full of character! Good luck finding a female though!

I would also advise you buy some Japonica Amano Shrimp as they love algae and if you provide them with a hide-out beyond the harrasment reach of the fish the will apreciate it for when they shed their exoskeleton! Not sure if your clown loach will eat them if they are 2 small! whatever you do dont buy ghost shrimp because anythin bigger than 1 inch will eat it!

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