This Seems Strange To Me


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I have three varieties of BN Plecs: wild caught Starlights, albino LF, and Marble LF.

The albinos do go enjoy the occasional cucumber, but both the starlights and the marbles ignore it altogether. The starlights, being wild, have finally begun to come out at feeding time to look for the Hikari Algae discs, but they totally ignore the cucumber. It is understandable that they must learn about new foods.

The marbles are tank bred and raised--obviously--but they also ignore the cucumber, although they do come down from their perch on the filter intake at feeding time to pick and choose among the offerings.

The albinos are very aware of the cucumber and go to it when I offer it. I purchased all three from the same source. I know that Joe the trader and breeder feeds cucumber.

It seems very odd. I would like to encourage them to partake of the fresh stuff that I offer. Any ideas?
My parents BN's also ignore cucumber and they are offspring from ours that loved it....

It might be to do with food levels - they might just not need it so cant be bothered to eat it...

try not feeding them for a few days then trying it??
I have three varieties of BN Plecs: wild caught Starlights, albino LF, and Marble LF.

The albinos do go enjoy the occasional cucumber, but both the starlights and the marbles ignore it altogether. The starlights, being wild, have finally begun to come out at feeding time to look for the Hikari Algae discs, but they totally ignore the cucumber. It is understandable that they must learn about new foods.

The marbles are tank bred and raised--obviously--but they also ignore the cucumber, although they do come down from their perch on the filter intake at feeding time to pick and choose among the offerings.

The albinos are very aware of the cucumber and go to it when I offer it. I purchased all three from the same source. I know that Joe the trader and breeder feeds cucumber.

It seems very odd. I would like to encourage them to partake of the fresh stuff that I offer. Any ideas?

Also, Cucumber, despite being a popular Bristlenose (and other 'Pleco') food is low in nutrients. Try Kale, after freezing or balanching, as contains far more vitamins. I agree with prev post, maybe they are full up and content with the other foods. :good:
None of my plecs (BN and common) have ever shown any interest in cucumber - the common looked at it digust then tried playing the plec equivalent of football with it! However, courgette, sweet potato and butternut squash go down a treat. My mother's plec used to eat peas but I've not tried mine on those.
Actually they not only ignore cucumber, but also zuccini. I was not thinking straight, and I confused cucumber with zuccini in my head as a plec food. I actually know that they aren't crazy about cucumber, but I was tired or something. I will stop trying to shove cucumber at them and try some other stuff.

I tend to keep yams, so they don't spoil on me like zuccini--which I like, but am too lazy to cook. Zuccini spoils faster too.

So I think I will make an effort to get them on the yams. Thanks for waking me up, guys and gals.

I don't use kale--is that a type of leaf veggie? I probably would find it inconvenient to keep on stock. The Starlights and marbles seemed to ignore the zuccini, too, as I remember. Actually I am happy that the starlights have begun to look for and enjoy the algae discs. I was concerned for them for a long time because they didn't eat anything I gave them.

As for the marbles they like any discs and come running for the live black worms, too. I worry that they will eat too much of the Cory food. They also keep my Java moss mowed to nothing.

What alternative foods should I be offering the Jari zebras. They are at present with a mix of fish that primarily are given live black worms. I also throw in Hikari sinking discs for bottom feeders, and I have occasionally dropped in Hikari carnivore tabs. There is also a sprinkling to flake for the harlequins and guppies sometimes. But I am fairly ignorant on the zebras.

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