This Person Should Not Keep Fish...

I agree, if these were cats or dogs they would have been reported and banned from keeping them. I suppose there may still be hope for them as they do look in good health (at the moment)
I agree, if these were cats or dogs they would have been reported and banned from keeping them. I suppose there may still be hope for them as they do look in good health (at the moment)

Unbelievable. Looks like a 10 gallon tank just crammed with fish. No wonder it looks so clean with all those plecos. Crazy!
OMG :unsure: Why spend all that money on thoes plecs only to ave them in a small tank, feel so sorry for them. Might register on youtube and leave a comment!
Also... have you seen some of the other videos the guy has posted, there is one where a large bunch of golden nuggets are crammed together :angry:
Lovely looking fish but would be a lot better kept properly, he dosen't deserve them and they definatly dont deserve that :angry:
May I ask a serious question here?

I am not trying to be mean, or sarcastic, or judgemental, or anything like that. This is a question I am just curious about.

What is the motivation for posting this link here on the forums? It's not always true, but certainly mostly true, that every single forum member here has joined the forum because they care about the fish and know that overstocking a tank is not right. So I do not think that you're just looking for an argument, or if you are, you are in the wrong place.

Unless the person who posted the video joins the forum and responds to this thread, there is no way for the members on here to talk with the person and explain out reasons for thinking it is wrong to keep fish like that. Again, it is not exactly a zero percent chance of that happening, but pretty close to zero.

Otherwise, all you do is call attention and bring more hits to that video. If no attention would be paid to it, it would disappear into obivion pretty quickly. Or, to put it simply, just don't look.

So, again this is not me being sarcastic or mean or trying to make you feel bad, I am just curious what the reason you had for going out of your way to bring attention to this. But, what kind of response would you expect? ... exactly what you got. A bunch of people, rightfully so, saying how mean it is. But, what did that really accomplish? And maybe here is the real point of my question here, how is it any different from the dozens of other threads exactly like this?

If you figured out how to contact this person, and felt you could get the knowledgable members of TFF behind you in support, that is one thing, but these "look at this car-wreck of a tank!" threads just don't solve anything or help in anyway. I just don't understand calling attention to a poorly cared for tank just so that more people feel sad.
It does look very bad, but I dont think we should jump to conclusions (ie it's obviously not a 10g tank with those fish in there lol). It's obvious that's not the way to keep fish - we can see that by how many folks have replied, but I dont think it's fair to judge when the person isn't here to explain or defend themselves.

I'd never overstock like that - but to be fair if you look at the location, you'll know that over there they find stocking like this more acceptable (and that is in no way a slur on the folks in HK, just how it's done over there!).
just another pointless and horrid video thats allowed on youtube, it isnt the first video ive seen where fish have been kept in bad conditions, and im guessing it wont be the last. i dont understand why youtube allows it?
So I do not think that you're just looking for an argument, or if you are, you are in the wrong place.

Not always the case on here, plenty of people looking for arguments I have found.

But I think this video is good for new people to see, who have just taken up the hobbie as this may help with regards to "here's what you don't do"

But is wrong and some people just dont give a damn about thier fish, there's nothing we can do really, just look after the fish we have the best we can.
Hey i'm not looking for argument, calm down, I'm just trying to point out that that is how not to keep fish.

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