This May Become An Obsession


Jan 15, 2012
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As the title says, Bettas have completely hooked me. I'm 15 and have 3 tanks, if that says anything. Anyways,
Just got back from petsmart, and I found a Halfmoon with incredible fins. Color is flashy and I think I'm in love. He has some fin rot I believe, but that isn't a hard fix from what I've heard.
The only available tank I have is a 15 gallon snail breeding tank.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: ranges from 20-80
Temp stays around 77, live plants, filtered. Just snails. Now my questions...
Will he eat my snails? I don't mind some, but I don't want him wiping out my while population either.
Fin rot. What can I do to fix it?
Does the tank sound alright for him?

Thanks for the advice guys!
Really hope this little guy doesn't sell tonight... :/ Sure he'll be sold by tomorrow. I'm anxious, can you tell? :lol:
Tank sounds great for a betta! I've never had any of mine eat snails, but their temperaments do tend to dictate their behaviour.

As for the fin rot. Are you sure it's fin rot? Some bettas get very stressed in shops which can cause white markings as can high ammonia. If it is fin rot, you can get medication at most fish shops.

I hope he hasn't been sold. :good:
Tank sounds great for a betta! I've never had any of mine eat snails, but their temperaments do tend to dictate their behaviour.

As for the fin rot. Are you sure it's fin rot? Some bettas get very stressed in shops which can cause white markings as can high ammonia. If it is fin rot, you can get medication at most fish shops.

I hope he hasn't been sold. :good:

Is fin rot white? Or black? He has black edging on his fins, but his fins are a bit tattered so I wasn't sure if it was his coloring or rot... :/
Well, I think I'll get the betta. Mother thinks I'm crazy, but I can't help it. Thanks for the help Llegmore!
I think it's probably just his fin colouring then. Bettas often have a ribbon pattern along the edge of their fins. Or he could be moulting - which does happen.

I'd get him. Why not. If you've got the tank for him then go for it!
Oh man. I'm terrible. I go in for one betta and come out with another. :lol:
The original one was a pink and blue Halfmoon, but instead I picked up a blue butterfly Halfmoon.

He has adjusted well and seems to be very active and aggressive, stalking the snails and flaring at everything! No name as of yet, so any suggestions are welcome! :D
he is a beautiful fish i wish my lfs sold halfmoons :sad: his fins are fin its just his colouring :good:
and i called mine simon :look:
Tch I've done that before - had my eye on a gorgeous purple/red halfmoon and ended up getting this little metallic blue plakart. I don't know what the other guy looked like but that is a beautiful fish so congrats. I'm loving the white edge along his tail.

As for names ... I always call my bettas after space stuff. My boy at the moment is called Pluto.
He's lovely, I wish stores near me sold fish like that - the only places I could get them are like eBay and breeders online.

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