This Is Why I've Not Been Around Lately.


Jul 14, 2005
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Our shelter had a cruelty last week with one dog, two chinchillas, and about 30 rats. So seeing the adorable rats I took one, I tiny little boy. Hairless none the less. But I named him Roo because he looks like a little baby kangaroo. He's doing wonderful and getting used to things around the hosue. Eventually when he gets big enough and if he and the big guy Chester get along they'll be cage mates. Depending on Chester's attitude to a new friend. They say older unneutered males can be funny with new males. But I'm going to take it slow and make sure that there are no fights and take all of the precautions. But here he is! There will be more pictures later. Hopefully.
This was after his bath today. He seems to get dry skin so I read to give them a bath with baby shampoo. So I did and surprisingly he seemed to love it.
"Where am I now!!?"


"What is that thing pointing at me!?"

He's so sweet.
Surprisingly I've so entirely fallen for these little critters. Thanks to you other rat owners on here. I just can't stop wanting more! Soon I'm planning on building them a grotto. It will be a fun and rewarding project.
awww, what a little naked dollface :wub:
Good luck with everything, I certainly wouldn't want to be the hand that has to break up a rat fight!!
Oh the cuteness of those black pearly eyes ! :wub:
Aww! I am obsessed with cute little hairless roadents! :wub: :rolleyes:

I can't help it! I must nominate for POTM! Either the first of thrid picture!
Thanks so much. If only I could get a second. He really is a doll. And got put in his new bigger cage tonight. He seemed happy but seems to get scared easily.
He's so cute! I'll give you a POTM nom for that last pic, too adorable :wub:

Is he supposed to be hairless though? :unsure: Sorry, i have no clue about rats at all.. :lol:
Thanks for the potm noms!!
And yeah he's supposed to be a hairless. His mother was but I'm not sure about the father, I only saw the mother and siblings. There were only two siblings that were completely hairless, the rest were furry, but not completely furred.
Awww, he is just TOO cute!!! :wub: That has got to be one of the cutest faces ever!

I was so ready to second the last picture, but I see you already got a second. Best of luck in POTM! :D
Thanks everyone! After setting up his cage last night I filled the dish with lots of goodies and came down about an hour later and saw that all of the goodies were gone. He hid them all in his bed to eat them!
Hairless dogs, hairless cats, and now hairless rats...what will they think up next, featherless birds? :lol:

He's cute...but why no hair?

Well, I guess with no hair be haird to have fleas (in the wild) lol.
He's precious! I had a pair of hairless rats once. Girls. One of them looked just like Roo, the other was more gray. I had them for almost three years. Their life expectancy is about 2 years, as their hairless gene somehow lowers their immune system. :dunno: This genetic stuff bewilders me...
It's cute but it don't look like a rat. Knit him wolly jumper & teach him to whistle & you could remake the clangers!!
Yeah they actually have hairless mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs too. I guess it's a genetic mutation that they breed for now. I'd never buy one. It was just a rescue. A one chance thing. But he's sweet. I have to buy him those ThermaCare heat packs and put them under his bedding to keep him toasty.
It's cute but it don't look like a rat. Knit him wolly jumper & teach him to whistle & you could remake the clangers!!

:lol: Brilliant!
I love rats... my brother has a pair of hooded females (one black n white, one grey n white). They are about the most obscenely adorable things you're likely to keep! I wouldn't personally choose a hairless rattum, but Roo has the prettiest little face and the funniest ears... so endearing! Keep the piccies coming! ^_^

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