Fish Herder
hi everyone
just a post to say how much i'm appreciating htis hobbit.
A month ago, i got my first betta in a tiny little bowl, the orginial purpose was as amusment for my little 3 year old sister
but now, a month later, i have 5 bettas, a 10G tank for htem, and a 25G housing guppies/female betats/snails/otos/kribs!
I have learned endless amount of stuff, and i'm always curious for more
my friends tell me that i am COMPLETELY obsessed with this new "hobby" of mine to the point where it's nto really healthy 
But you know what i really enjoy thorugh this month and maybe month and a half? watching my fishies thrive and grow in my tank under my care
it must be the best feeling in the wrold! from getting bettas that look so sick and dead in a cup to watching htem chase the shrimps around and building huge bubblenests. From having them barely taking down a betta pellet a day to taking down nearly 5 per meal 
as for the female bettas..when i first got them, they were so tiny and small, they owuld sit on the bottom of my 25G and never knew when it was dinner time.
but now, they have nearly doubled in size, grew so much fatter and bigger, and always comes up the surface when they see the lid opening
they have grown to be so much hapier and healhtier than waht i started with 
today i got 2 more femlae bettas, put them in the tank and just REALIZED hte HUGE difference between my established betats compared to teh new ones. And as a though, they looked like that too when they first got here! i'm hoping that in a month from now, i can report back and say that these two new betats have grown up to be just as healthy and nice
i got two kribs today, my first cichlids ever, i hope they wil do okay in the 25G, but they are still very small...babies i think, i can't even tell the sex yet! i'm pretty sure one is a female..the other one i'm HOPING for a male..but whatever happens happens
i'm hoping to raise them into adulthood, and watch them grow like my feamle bettas 
even my oto cats have gotten larger and braver
they will now suck on the snail's shell. I just spent about 30 mins staring at my oto and snail share an algae wafer with each other 
anyways guys, tell me something about this hobby that gives you the high
A month ago, i got my first betta in a tiny little bowl, the orginial purpose was as amusment for my little 3 year old sister
I have learned endless amount of stuff, and i'm always curious for more

But you know what i really enjoy thorugh this month and maybe month and a half? watching my fishies thrive and grow in my tank under my care
as for the female bettas..when i first got them, they were so tiny and small, they owuld sit on the bottom of my 25G and never knew when it was dinner time.

today i got 2 more femlae bettas, put them in the tank and just REALIZED hte HUGE difference between my established betats compared to teh new ones. And as a though, they looked like that too when they first got here! i'm hoping that in a month from now, i can report back and say that these two new betats have grown up to be just as healthy and nice
i got two kribs today, my first cichlids ever, i hope they wil do okay in the 25G, but they are still very small...babies i think, i can't even tell the sex yet! i'm pretty sure one is a female..the other one i'm HOPING for a male..but whatever happens happens
even my oto cats have gotten larger and braver

anyways guys, tell me something about this hobby that gives you the high