This Is The Black Shark Typ Please Check It


Nov 4, 2005
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im confused here i near shore what i was told on other posts are correct and that they are not good Communitie typ fish so im thinking this page is wrong .....i thort but maby i did not give the right details befor and maybe have got the typs mixed up or some thing any way i no for shore this is the typ i have cuz the pic is the same in every way.........heres the page
im replying to my self :D i think that page is wrong what do others think ?.....have been reading other sites and can see why some peepl call it a black thing and why i was told to give it back wonders if the guy new what he was giveing me (maby thats why it was free)
The black shark is an extremely aggressive fish. It will more than hold its own with aggressive cichlids. Definitely not "peaceful".

Mind you, I have noticed a number of pretty glaring errors on Badman's site, so I would not trust anything on there without checking (which should hold true of any website).
yes its an evil fish so i guess i will have to give it back its sad that i cant keep it cuz i like it but im not buying a new bigger tank not any room or cash to give i will have to keep one some other time ........i think some one said some red fin black sharks would be okay instead i dont no about them so i have to read more and find out stuff cuz the guy who gave it will take it back and give me some thing difrent if i want any one got any good idears the guys a fish supplyer so he has lots im breeding snails for him at the moment :rolleyes:

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