This Is Texas!


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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Welcome to the Texas Hill Country. God’s country! I took some pics of a great swimming hole on the Guadalupe River last week and a few shots of our beautiful hills. Contrary to some beliefs, we are not all steers and horses (or other things). We are Lukenbach, Willie Nelson, good cold drinks, and some of the best BBQ and sweet ice tea that you’ll ever get your hands on. We are proud of our Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and of course, the Houston Astros. Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States and has great city life too! A little bit country and a little bit good old Rock N Roll! Hope you enjoy the pics.





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Wow! That is beautiful! And I love the pictures of the stream, so peaceful! :)
Thanks. It’s actually the Guadalupe River which runs through much of Texas. I collected some great river rocks which tested negative for metals. Boiled them and have them packed for use when needed.
Thanks. It’s actually the Guadalupe River which runs through much of Texas. I collected some great river rocks which tested negative for metals. Boiled them and have them packed for use when needed.
Maybe you can fill up that ole” empty 29 gal. When you get back! ;)
Probably going to hold off until after we move in a couple of years to do anymore big tanks. I already have to move the 55 and 45. Not to mention (2) 20longs, (2) 10G and now one of my 5G. I do have one more of the 5G I could put another betta in though. Dying for a Red Devil! :hey:
I do have one more of the 5G I could put another betta in though
No, no no! Stop thinking that! That is how extreme MTS starts! :rofl:

On a more serious note, your going to move soon? :)
No, no no! Stop thinking that! That is how extreme MTS starts! :rofl:

On a more serious note, your going to move soon? :)
In a couple of years when my hubbie retires we’ll probably move to a house on a lake. City races are crazy and traffic is even crazier. Won’t move more than an hour or so from the grandkids. Will still have my fish.
In a couple of years when my hubbie retires we’ll probably move to a house on a lake. City races are crazy and traffic is even crazier. Won’t move more than an hour or so from the grandkids. Will still have my fish.
Houses on lakes are really cool!

Retirement = More Fish/tanks! :lol:
I have to ask - where do you put all those tanks? Ha ha! I have my two largest in the living room, one in my office and I’m putting one up in my daughters room this weekend. I feel like I’m going to have to start putting tanks in the basement or my bedroom if I get anymore. Do you have a dedicated fish room? He he.
If you have a finished basement, tanks in the basement is an excellent idea. I have two in my rec room/man cave in my basement. Then I have one in the office room and one in the den. I know I can stop...I know I can stop...I know I can.....
I do not have a dedicated fish room but it’s on my list of “ must have” in my next house. Right now my front bedroom is a playroom for my grandkids. Once they get a little older I’ll make that a fish room should we decide not to move. Currently, I have a 55G on one end of my couch in the family room and a 45G on the other end. Got rid of my end tables. Lol! Across the room is a 20G long in a tiered fish stand with a 5G on the bottom. On my bar is another 20G long. In the kitchen I have a 10G on a cabinet and another 10G on a kitchen counter. Then I have the garden pond on my patio. Funny, I was just sitting here trying to figure out where I could put one more 5G. My husband says “no” to our bedroom. I have a guest room but my daughter that lives out of town stays in there when she’s in. She already thinks I’m fish crazy and would flip if she found a tank in the guest room. Dining room possibly??? Lol! At least you have a basement. I would so turn that into a fish room if I had one. In the South we have attics and much too hot for tanks.
Our basement is half finished so it is a possibility in the finished half. Just tell your daughter the fish pays rent for the guest room. My 75 gallon is right by my chair. End tables are overrated... unless they have fish on them. :rofl:
Our basement is half finished so it is a possibility in the finished half. Just tell your daughter the fish pays rent for the guest room. My 75 gallon is right by my chair. End tables are overrated... unless they have fish on them. :rofl:
I agree on the end tables. Less furniture, more tanks!:drinks:
Well the pictures show a Texas that I didn't imagine. Looks an awful lot like central Montana. Low rolling hills, lakes and creeks. I really did think it was more an arid wasteland. Just goes to show you that preconceived notions are usually wrong.
Not the rolling tumbleweeds and dirt roads that you pictured? Lol

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