This Is One To Get You All Thinking.....


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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This is my first post so please be kind, treat me as you would an elderly relative you are teaching to use the
I have been wanting an aquarium for years now and it looks like I might be able to pull it off, wife has given up.
The real problem I have is space.
My home is not small but location of an aquarium could be a problem, two small children under the age of three.
Our house is rather unusual in that apart from the usual three bedroom, bathroom etc upstairs there is an additional door, which when opened reveals, well... nothing except a small 4.5 ft by 3.5ft cupboard.
My best guess is that it was originally designed to house the boiler but since we have a combi boiler now the space is redundant, so I have turned it into a tiny office, I kid you not, shut the door and its like a large coffin. :lol:

Sorry this is a long post but it serves a point, as I spend quite a lot of time in said office I pondered if I could shoe-horn an aquarium in.

Now I now what some of you are thinking but the pc in there is actually at roof height on a shelf, only lcd screen/keyboard/mouse at eye level.

Here is the would be plan, have the aquarium slightly above eye level and the rest below.

Technical issues asides would this be fair to the fish, they would actually be surrounded by walls on three sides and would receive artificial light most of the time, the door is not shut and there is power in office.

I don't like to make life easy for myself, thanks for reading all comments appreciated. :D

oh I was actually looking at keeping shubunkins, fantail goldfish - thought i would try coldwater fish.....
Hi podium73 :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Fishkeeping is a wonderful hobby that can be shared with the entire family. While you might have certain limitations because of space, there are so many different kinds of fish and aquariums that I'm sure you'll find one just right for you.

I'm going to move your thread to our Tropical Chit Chat section where it will be seen by more of the members. I expect you'll get some interesting answers.

Good luck! :D
It sounds like a nice place for an aquarium! It will look like its built into the wall! :) Look into aquariums with demensions close to the size of your little space there. If you can't find one that would fit just right, you can order custom made tanks online. Make sure it's a few inches less wide than the space or you wouldn't be able to get it in there. Also, be sure to find a safe place to store all your fish chemicals and food since you have little kids. That stuff isn't stuff to mess around with. >_<
The artificial light issue isn't an issue at all as far as I know. If you read the directions that come with a lot of kit tanks they say don't let your tank get any direct sunlight at all...because the sunlight will promote a lot of algal growth.

I don't see a problem really...I think it should work.

Here are some links to help you get that tank started right. =)

fishless cycling

general beginner FAQ's

Well I started to pick and choose pinnd topics but so many of them are important
Yes, I think this sounds like an ideal place for a tank. It'll keep you company when you are locked inside your coffin :lol: and it will also serve to give the fish some privacy a lot of the time, a luxury that most aquarium inhabitants don't have. Really I don't see any problem with this at all.

If you have any questions with the setup etc of this tank, don't hesitate to post them here or PM one of us and we'll be more than happy to give you all the info you need.

Good Luck

Thanks for the advice so far everybody...keep them coming.
Depening on the actual size of the aquarium you are looking for PetSmart sell this awesome tall tank. It is a 47 high. It is I believe 18wx18Lx24h. The sand is approx the same. So the fish would be able to be at, above, and below eye level if sitting in a computer chair. It has a very nice stand with it and the price is very reasonable. $249.99 for both pieces, well three if you count the glass canopy and light. I think it is the coolest tank ever(well not ever) but you get what I am saying. Anyways just an idea, not sure quiet what you are looking for.
Sounds like a good place for a tank; I wouldn't worry about lack of natural light, as the artifical lights on the tank will serve the purpose just fine.
The height of the tank and lack of stuff outside it to keep them entertained shouldn't matter at all, assuming they have cover in the tank (e.g. plants or rockwork or whatever - depends what type of fish you get).
I'm not sure that you'd have space for a tank thats big enough to keep goldfish in, though... althought they have a reputation for being easy to care for, they do grow pretty big pretty fast, and eat a lot (therefore poo a lot, too!) They're also pretty active and therefore need more space to swim around in. So a big tank is pretty important for keeping them properly.
A heater isn't any more hassle and not particularly expensive either...I reckon you should defintiely get tropicals instead.
Sounds like a good place for a tank; I wouldn't worry about lack of natural light, as the artifical lights on the tank will serve the purpose just fine.
The height of the tank and lack of stuff outside it to keep them entertained shouldn't matter at all, assuming they have cover in the tank (e.g. plants or rockwork or whatever - depends what type of fish you get).
I'm not sure that you'd have space for a tank thats big enough to keep goldfish in, though... althought they have a reputation for being easy to care for, they do grow pretty big pretty fast, and eat a lot (therefore poo a lot, too!) They're also pretty active and therefore need more space to swim around in. So a big tank is pretty important for keeping them properly.
A heater isn't any more hassle and not particularly expensive either...I reckon you should defintiely get tropicals instead.
I agree, goldfish are messy & get big and it sounds like a tank you could fit would be too small for goldies. Tropical would give you more options.
Podium73 - Ever think of cutting the door in half like a dutch door where the top and bottom swing freely or just remove the top half completely? The lower half would keep the tots at bay and you can close the top if the youts are running a muck while you're away at a job. Or I'm picturing a shelf holding the tank above the top of the lower door (I say a shelf so you can still craw a little ways and still use the back for storage). With the tank filling out to top opening you might get a picture frame and frame it (if you remove the top portion of the door. You'll get a picture tank that is really deep (front to back) and not one of those tanks that can barely house Neon Tetras :good: .

It'll be easy enough to sump since you can let it sit along the wall and still give you enough space to get back of the closet.

Knowing some nefarious folks' minds they'd make a grow room out of it (instead of a fish room nook.
Podium73, you should be able to fit a tank in there without a problem. The key is setting up something that is going to be a pleasure to look at, a distraction from the environment. Can I suggest a low-tech planted aquarium? It'll brighten up the room considerably and is a pleasure to maintain. Check out this thread of member's planted tanks. Many of them are very small and would be well suited to a small office space.

Good luck to you.

llj :)
yeah you'd be able to work something in no problem. Plenty of us have 'nano' tanks, they can be used for a variety of things. Obviously you can't have any big fish in there but you've still got loads of options.

as chibi mentioned be a little careful with kids around, treat the meds as you would bleach or human medicines. Many things come with child safety lids (I always struggle with our test kit!! lol). But it's not just meds you need to worry over, if your kids decide to feed the fishies without mummy or daddy there and dump a whole tub of food in it could cause problems!! That being said I firmly believe having any pets is good to teach kids responsibility, and I'm sure they'll love the fishies too!

Thanks everybody, you have all gave me more options to these days just seems like an endless list of answer some of the questions -
I live in scotland (land of the midge, haggis and rain).
I had originally wanted to buy a "Bioube", google it for results, as my starting point in fish keeping ..but now I think that the bigger tank is the way to go.
I had never really considered a planted aquarium as I thought it beyond the grasp of a newbie.
The reason I wanted to have goldfish, shubinkins in particular, is that I have always loved Koi but they would impossible for me to have-and so these would be the next best thing in my view. :D
Just remember that gold fish need fairly big aquariums eventually. :)

:hi: Welcome to the forum, and good luck! :)

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