This Is Mainly For Wilder.


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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As most of you probably know my youngest female guppy had a scuffle with my male and lost the front of her jaw.
Well her jaw hasn't healed properly and she is having trouble eating the same sized food as the others, i have to crush the food up to the same size as the fry food. She never gets enough food and has lost weight rapidly. Here the stages she went through.
Pregnant - (__). Stomach sticking out at sides.
After drop - |__|. Stomach normal.
Now - )__(. Rapid weight loss.
Please help i don't want to have to euthanize her because i don't have the right heart for it i wouldn't be able to do it and neither would my mum because she cares for my fish just like me.
I'm only 13 why is this happening? Why could i possibly have to euthanize a young guppy at this age? I don't want her to die at all but if she goes then she goes.
Please help me! If i do have to euthanize her whats the best way to?

I would end her misery. So sorry. She will just starve to death.
Once fish are unable to eat with there mouths if kinder to put them out of there misery.

This is the kindest method I have done.
Jug of water filled with ice cubes till the water freezing cold. If no ice cubes place the jug in the freezer till a thin sheet of ice forms on top.
Place the fish in the jug of ice water. It won't take long for the fish to pass away.
Make sure the gills are no longer moving. Leave the fish awhile in the jug just to make sure it's passed away.

The fish might dart and twitch for a few seconds before it dies.
So sorry but I don't think there any hope for the sick fish.
Ok I have ice cubes but would i be better putting a small tub that's quite deep in the freezer till a thin layer of ice forms? I'm gonna hate doing this because i really feel strongely for my fish and she had great caracter.

If you want what is best for the fish, a sharp blade to sever the spinal chord and pithing of the brain causes instant death and is by far the most humane method.
If you want what is best for the fish, a sharp blade to sever the spinal chord and pithing of the brain causes instant death and is by far the most humane method.

I couldn't do that! My heart would probably fail! It's not the sight of blood but more that it was my fish and i loved her like a normal pet meaning a dog or cat. I couldn't kill her in that way because i would feel horrid even though it might be the best for her. I'm sorry but i can't do that i will have to stick with what wilder said. I have some water in a tub with 3 ice cubes in.

Okay then, but make sure the water has a thin layer of ice on it before dropping the fish in, break the surface and then drop the fish in, it will twitch for a few seconds, It's just the nerves.
Thank you for being understanding truck. It's just i'm only 13 and i love animals (except rats....eeeeew) so i wouldn't be able to kill anything in a way that involves phyisically injuring the fish (meaning a blade or whatever).

Aquarium Products makes a product called Euthanase that will put your fish into a deep sleep until it passes peacefully. If you can't find Euthanase, clove oil is its active ingredient, so you might be able to find clove oil. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions that are in the best interest of our pets (but don't seem in our best interests because we want to keep them with us). Hang in there.
R.I.P rainbow. Shes no longer with us. :-(
I wish there was something i could have done but there wasn't so shes passed on.
While she was dying i found myself trying to soothe her and saying i was sorry but it was best it was done. She swam around in circles at the top of the water until she sunk, breathing rapidly then her gills stopped. I left her in the tub a little longer to be sure plus i started crying because i really, really loved how she was the only one who would recodnise me out of the 4 that were in there. Whenever i went to feed them she would be the only 1 to eat out of my fingers even though she was the youngest.
I need to cry again.

I know how you feel it's awful.
You do cry when you have to do it. I don't like doing it either.
You can tell when a fish is really sick and just needs to put out of it's misery.

Bless Her.
I'm still not over the tears. I keep crying when i look at my tank now because it is missing something and it irritates me but then i think about what it's missing and the tears start again. I cry alot when fish die, especially my fish. I'm sorry if i bother anyone about it with this thread. I also had to do the same to a cory fry because it had sunk and was on it's side breathing heavily so i only have 6 left now. R.I.P little skitter.

Pets do get sick i'm afraid.
Just remember the special moments, as that what's counts.
Don't dwell on the bad bits as it dosn't help, as you can't change it.
It's normal to miss pets, it's takes a while to get over it when they were such a big part of your life.

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