This is Jif. I got him (her?) today.


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
East coast of England.
Isn't she lovely?

In the LFS bag, floating in my tank

Home at last

Panaque Nigrolineatus Royal Pleco.
Awesome fish!! You're lucky to get fancy plecos, I've never seen anything but bristlenoses and commons in person. Jiff is beautiful and I am jealous :p
I just want to stake my claim to the name Jif, jiff, or Jiffy (and any other variation you can think of) as I have had that nickname for 6 years now and because I AM A GUY!!! I mean, at least if you want to use my name for a fish..keep it a guy :p

On a side not...that is a real nice looking fish.
That's a royal panaque pleco right???....It's a cool pleco....My LFS carries a lot of cool looking pleco's like yours, mango plec, ryhno, but they are all pretty pricy they are around $50 and up....
Beautiful fish. How big is she (do you know it's a she or just guessing???)
I have a little baby royal plec I've had him for about 6 months now, and he's about 3 inches now. Make sure you've got plenty of Bogwood in your tank cos she'll munch on it like its going out of fashion!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah. If she's pretty big, then £27 is a good price. I've seen full grown ones going for as much as £150 :eek:
Jif is about two and a half inches long.

She's called 'Jif' because (are you ready for this?)... she's a Panaque which is pronounced pan-uh-kay which I think sounds like 'pancake'.

A British pancake (looks like a crépe) is eaten on shrove Tuesday with lemon juice & sugar.

The leading brand of lemon juice in the UK is 'Jif'

....and I'm guessing on her gender. She just 'feels' like female.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Very good way to name her!!!! Mine was nemd by my girlfriend. She called him willy, but the route to it is not as imaginative as yours: Royal Panaque, so royalty, so Prince William, so Willy!!!!! :lol:

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