This Is Freaaky !


Jan 12, 2010
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Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Alright many ppl know i have a spanish water dog who is a year and 10 months old and she is not spayed yet..well maybe a couple of months ago after she was in heat for the second time she has become so "horny"...shes a girl!..and now anytime she comes to me all she does is lick me then hump my leg no matter wat..then she cries when i push her away...shes going madddd ive had it with her doing that ..when she grabs a hold of my leg she scratches is and it hurts ad its so annoyingg! I need help to undertand wat this is and why she is doing it and if theres anything i can do to help it!!!!! Thxx
Other than clip her nails and discourage her from the behaviour, there is not much you can do...until it's time to spay her.
I push her away and tell her to go to her bed but that doesnt stop her from coming to me again and doing the same. I clipped her nails 3 times the past 2 weeks and it still hurts..and i can never play with her normally cause thats all she does
I'm afraid you just need to be a bit firmer with her.

When she jumps on you, yelp, and jump up, and shut her out of the room. Don't speak or shout at her, just take her collar and shut her out of the room.

She'll probably whine and yelp for you; do NOT open the door until she is quiet; even if it takes half an hour . If you do, all you've done is teach her that if she's niosy and makes a fuss, she can make you come back (which is what she wants).

You want her to learn that the way to make you come back is to lie down quetly, so you must wait until she stops making a noise.

For the first few times, you want to open the door and give her a treat almost the instant she stops whining or scratching.

As time goes on, you can leave her longer before you open the door and treat her.

Do this every time she jumps up at you, and she'll soon stop, but you must do it every time and you must never open the door while she's still fussing.
Can't you get her spayed? Without the hormones flying around she will do it less (she probably won't stop completely but she'll be less likely to). Until then all you can do is teach her it's unacceptable behaviour.

The fact that she is female doesn't factor into it. It's not that she thinks she's male. Horny dog plus being in a dominant position (in terms of hierarchy) equals humping! Probably instilling in her the fact that she is not dominant over you will also help.
Its not hormones, its dominance. Better get a handle on it now while she is still a pup. Does she have other bad behavior?( I'm guessing she does)... need to correct all her bad behaviors...the humping is just part of it.
She does have a few problems none that cant be fixed like barking at oher dogs seperation anxiety sumtimes..but how should i make her think i am more dominant than her??..and no we arent spaying her yet ..we dont want her behavior to change we love her the way she is and sumtimes dogs change after that..but il try to help her as much as i can
She does have a few problems none that cant be fixed like barking at oher dogs seperation anxiety sumtimes..but how should i make her think i am more dominant than her??..and no we arent spaying her yet ..we dont want her behavior to change we love her the way she is and sumtimes dogs change after that..but il try to help her as much as i can

By not letting her do the behaviour. If you think she's even getting close to doing it, you have to stop her. As far as you not wanting her behaviour to change from getting her spayed, well I don't feel that's any excuse not to get her spayed. Obviously you don't "love her the way she is" or you wouldn't have posted this issue with erm.."humping". Unless you plan on breeding her(which I don't advocate) she should be spayed when your vet tells you it's time. It's the responsible thing to do so that you're not adding to the abundance of unwanted dogs out there.

Good luck with your dog
The humping doesnt change her behavior towards us..only if she gets to excited but i love her the way she is and ive seen wat spaying does to a dog.. And maybe the best thing IS to spay her but we have to think this thru..and im 16 i cant pay for it and im not sure my parents wud want to anyway but thx
The humping doesnt change her behavior towards us..only if she gets to excited but i love her the way she is and ive seen wat spaying does to a dog..

We always spay our bitches (except from when my mum was a rough collie breeder), and they have all been exactly the same afterwards. No change in character what so ever.

Spaying is definitely the best thing to do, you don't want a load of pups that you can't get rid of, and spaying can stop mammary tumours etc.
ive seen wat spaying does to a dog..

The only real difference you may notice in a dog after them being spayed is that they might calm down a little. My dog Lillie was spayed, and apart from calming down a little, she didn't change at all.
Yea but my dog is so active and i run with her i dont want her to be slowed down when i cud just prevent her from being with male dogs when shes in heat. She had it twice and she hasnt even came in contact with another male dog till like a few days ago..i am on vacation with her and we r living with 3 other dogs and ones a male ..yea he tries to mount her when we r with him but she barks at he cant even reach her lol..she cant get pregnant because she is not in heat ..and she never leaves my side so i watch her at all times trust me

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