This hobby is gonna get me fired!!!


Fish Herder
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Chester, UK
I work from 9 til 5.30

it is now just gone 3pm and I have done no work today at all. Has been the same for most of the week and weeks before and my work is starting to pile up way too high and I have ran out of places to hide it!! :X

all i do all day is:-

log on to here at 9.
continually check out all of the new posts on here
add replies as and where I can
look on other sites for fish/tanks/equipment/plants/food/info etc
look on ebay for any bargains
log out of here at 5.30

i also spend the whole week just dying to get to the LFS's at the weekend and spending hours looking at what new stock they have and what fish I can get with my hard earned :whistle: cash!!!

hooked, i think is the word!

any one else out there feel the same??!!

tbr :D
At work now.

It is parent teacher conference day.

I am a dean, kids only come to me when they are in trouble, so kids are staring clear of my office.

However, I am here with you guys!
Maybe we should get out a bit more? Can't be healthy all this staring at the computer. :/
I'm at work now :)

I don't often log on during work though, only on days where my duties are such that I can ;)
I get occasional help desk type calls, which take about a minute to fix, and projects about once a month. Other than that I'm on the net or reading.
You're not alone....however...I'm getting my work done. LOL. I think my wife regrets the day she said to me last fall, "Why don't we get the kids an aquarium for the holidays?". Another surgeon/colleague of mine had two 75 gallon cichlid tanks, now empty, and he has offered to to give me one with the stand gratis. Should I take it? lol SH
Yeah you take it....and he can give me the other one!! :nod:

you surgeons earn enough dough :whistle: so i am sure he won't mind paying the shipping costs as well!! :D

Have the same probelm at school, everytime we have to go to the computer lab I find myself on this site.

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