Thinking Of Starting A 10g Nano


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
so, i have this emty 10g in my basement with the stand i bought it with and the filter. and a light that i can upgrade bulbs and such with. all i need now are a couple powerheads, a protein skimmer, sand, live rock, salt water, and fish and such.
i was thinking maybe 8-10 pounds of live rock along with some aragonite sand. for the stocking area i was thinking maybe 3-4 fish such as:
purple firefish
green banded goby
yashia haze goby(for something pricey)
1 cleaner shrimp
and a bunch of different snails

how does all of this sound?
im looking for other ideas on what to stock with and would be partial to one of the dwarf or small sized toadfish/scorpionfish/waspfish.
If you are interested in waspfish, Neovespicular depressifrons grows to 2.5 inches, you could keep 2 of them in a ten gallon aquarium. These waspfish inhabit freshwater, brackish, and marine waters. They seem to do best in brackish water with a SG around 1.010, although marine conditions are OK. You could keep some blue-legged hermits with them for algae control or other "clean-up" inverts that won't fit in the waspfish's mouth.
2 fish max in a 10 :)

What makes you say this? Generalisation such as this gives us the bull#### "*** inches of fish per gallon" rule that some idiot came up with....

If you pick carefully, small gobies etc, you could have up to 4 fish in that size tank.

yea, i saw one of the "freshwater" waspfish on aquabid and thought about getting it, but what about the other small species of scorpionfish and toadfish?

i dont plan on keeping anything in this tank over 3 inches long i just wanted a few small species of goby. so the amount of fish i have wont be more then 4 and it will all primarily depend on what is readily available.

Thanks for the replies!
What would be wrong with putting 4 gobies in a 10G, Neon gobies, clown gobies and catalina gobies all stay very small.

There are also various very small basslets and cardinals out there...

What would be wrong with putting 4 gobies in a 10G, Neon gobies, clown gobies and catalina gobies all stay very small.

There are also various very small basslets and cardinals out there...

Even if they are small and produce little waste they still need swimming room and an any nano there isn't much of it. But a 10 with 4 fish would look a little crammed, 4 would be something my LFS would say to get more money out of me.
Are you actually reading my posts? There are many small gobies which live on the same area of coral their entire life.....
What would be wrong with putting 4 gobies in a 10G, Neon gobies, clown gobies and catalina gobies all stay very small.

There are also various very small basslets and cardinals out there...

Even if they are small and produce little waste they still need swimming room and an any nano there isn't much of it. But a 10 with 4 fish would look a little crammed, 4 would be something my LFS would say to get more money out of me.
I agree 125%

But with that said. Sam, I think you'll be able to tell what you can and can't fit after you set your tank up. If you intend to push it to the max just stock it with as much live rock as possible and provide all sorts of neat little hideaway nooks.
If comparing size, what would be the difference between keeping 4 bumblebee gobies in a 10g and 4 firecracker gobies in a 10g?
Are you actually reading my posts? There are many small gobies which live on the same area of coral their entire life.....

4 gobies would stay in the same 10 gallon volume of water for their whole life? By putting any one fish in a 180 gallon tank we are already exceeding the natural bioload of water per fish than that in the ocean. (According to research, don't quote me on that! ;))

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on what we 'believe' is a max stocking level for a tank no matter what fish goes in. No doubt that it is possible with good water management to keep good levels in a small tank with more fish. But i think we should be aiming to give the animals we take from the ocean the best home we can possibly provide for them not. Striving and surviving...

Maybe i'm a hypocrite because i keep 2 fish in a 16g :dunno: :S

If comparing size, what would be the difference between keeping 4 bumblebee gobies in a 10g and 4 firecracker gobies in a 10g?

Which is why i would never keep 4 bumblebee gobies in a 10g :)
I agree with SF...there are very few species of fish that we can acctually say do better in a Tank than in the wild. One of the few is clowns. Some clown pairs may never stray more than a foot or two in any given direction from their chosen home. So that said, look at possibly a clown pair...
I agree with SF...there are very few species of fish that we can acctually say do better in a Tank than in the wild. One of the few is clowns. Some clown pairs may never stray more than a foot or two in any given direction from their chosen home. So that said, look at possibly a clown pair...

have you even seen finding nemo?
"have you ever seen finding nemo..." That question/statement is wrong on so many levels. Lets just state that it is a very left ward slanting "free all the animals" film. Starting with the fact that american children couldnt handle the fact that after nemos mom dies, and its just nemo and his dad...that nemos dad would turn into a woman and start getting a little freaky with nemo.

following with the fact that most clowns do not stray very far from their host anemome as the reef is not a safe place for the awkward and slow clowns. Also they have a much higher surival rate for their young in captivity. While no, their territory would not be limited to 20x12x12 in the wild. Neither is it the same as putting a free swimming 12" long fish in a 75 gallon tank. They do do better in capitivity. They also readily spawn and grow up quite well in captivity.

now...if you meant that statement as a joke...HAHAHHAA. Ignore the previous.

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