Thinking Of Selling


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2009
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im thinking of selling my cichlids and want to know if there is any intreste i currently i have a midas,6 oscars all are paired to large pike cichlids a jack dempsey to red sevrums 2 mouth brooders and 2 sun catfish and a ornate bichir cheers john
hi sorry about that i am loacated in newark nottinghamshire ng23 can deliver to a 30 mile radius
What sizes are they and I'll defo take the jd and bichir

How much..?
the bichir is roughly 8inches jd is roughly 5 inches open to offers
Perfect sizes as to not get eaten by my Oscar....

£10 for the 2 collected Saturday morning..?
Hi mate,
What species/ how big are the pikes? How much were you looking for and are you interested in swaps? Cheers
the pikes are at 9 inches not fully grown yet speices name escapes me they grow to a mx size of 15 inches so iv been told by warf aquatics what u got to swap
Sorry to ask such a silly question, but which mouth brooders are they? Have you got any pics?

they are mosambique mouth brooders (sorry for wrong spelling)
Hi John, thanks for the info. I think everything you have for sale is too big for me. If you have anything smaller i would be interested. Cheers.
i have a small pike cichlid on her own as she killed her partner at the weekend also still have my fresh water pipe fish for sale
Lol, nice and placid then... :lol:

It's not the size they are now it's the eventual size of them that is more important to me. Your tank must be a big'un!

Also Hackmaster wants the JD! :D
the small pike i have is fully grown at 4inches ye i have a few tanks biggest 800 litres

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