Thinking Of Keeping Typhlonectes Natans With Atya Gabonensis


Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2007
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Caerphilly, South Wales
Does anyone know if Typhlonectes natans (Caecilians) can be kept with Atya gabonensis? I currently keep my Typhlonectes natans with Cardinal Tetras, and they show no aggresion towards each other, Ive read conflicting opinions with keeping Caecilians with small fish, ive read information from people who actually keep Caecilian's, and keep them with small fish who'se posted that they dont eat small fish, but I dont know if they would attack a large shrimp, or if Atya gabonensis would be too large, and not get attacked? anyone know if keeping them together would be ok?

They would be fine most of the time, until it came for the shrimp to moult.
When the shrimp moults, it is utterly defenceless, and needs somewhere to hide.
However I would imagine caecilians would probably be able to squeeze in anywhere the shrimp could, and a freshly moulted shrimp would probably be too tempting for them not to at least have a pick at :/ .

So it's a risk, but could work if you had a big enough tank and as many hiding places as possible.
They would be fine most of the time, until it came for the shrimp to moult.
When the shrimp moults, it is utterly defenceless, and needs somewhere to hide.
However I would imagine caecilians would probably be able to squeeze in anywhere the shrimp could, and a freshly moulted shrimp would probably be too tempting for them not to at least have a pick at :/ .

So it's a risk, but could work if you had a big enough tank and as many hiding places as possible.

I didnt think about it having to moult, and being vulnerable, i'll need to think about arranging some more hididng places then.
Here's a coincidence for you, I was speaking with a guy today at work who was keeping a caecilian with a bamboo shrimp (similar but smaller than Atya Gabonensis and not as heavily armoured). He was picking up some amano shrimp to clean his tank, but he said he needs to buy more every week because the 'rubber eel' eats them, but he has some that hide and survive for months sometimes (he buys 6 amano shrimp a week at £2 each).

I asked him if his bamboo shrimp had moulted yet and he said he didn't know, but at least this means that the caecilian wouldn't eat the shrimp when it's not moulting.

He also kept his caecilian with zebra danios, and said that it eats the dead fish, but it cant catch the live ones :good: .
Thats interesting, what size are Amano Shrimp? are they very small? ive been thinking about buying live River Shrimp for my Caecilians, Clawed Frogs and Sirens, but I wasnt sure whether the Caecilians and Sirens would eat them or not (the Frogs would easy)

Ive noticed my Caecilians swim right past my Cardinal Tetra's a few times, and theyve never shown any agression towards them whille ive watched, the same with my Sirens and the White Clouds I keep in with them.

Ive decided not to keep a Atya gabonensis with them, i'd worry about them injuring it if it sheds, I'd still like to keep them though, so im considering setting up another tank for one, and some compatible fish.

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