Thinking Of Going Marine


New Member
Jun 23, 2008
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Been in tropical fish for some time but now want to get into marine once can afford

Currently selling my trigon 190. then going to save up for a larger tank for marine

Been reading up alot but still confused, especially by the whole sump thing?

Could i start by having a large filter, external hang on skimmer, live sand and adding the correct amount of sea salt to some water? does the water that im going to put in have to be RO water?

Then after time add some live rock?

Also im guessing i need to cycle the tank before i get any fish, but what is the best way and how?

Thanks for any replys

Been in tropical fish for some time but now want to get into marine once can afford

Currently selling my trigon 190. then going to save up for a larger tank for marine

woo hoo

Been reading up alot but still confused, especially by the whole sump thing?

it does sound confusing, but it really is basic, just another tank usually under the main display which hides all your equipment and can keep things in like chaeto to help with phosphates - there are some excellent threads which talk about sumps in the marine journel section

Could i start by having a large filter, external hang on skimmer,

You could but one would have to ask why, when the live rock will be your filter

live sand and adding the correct amount of sea salt to some water? does the water that im going to put in have to be RO water?

Well, you put your water in first, get up to heat, then add salt, then live rock, then sand and the cycle begins

Then after time add some live rock?

Also im guessing i need to cycle the tank before i get any fish, but what is the best way and how?

The live rock will cycle your tank from the die off

Thanks for any replys

Seffie x

Right so the live rock will cyle the tank. what if i dont have enough money to buy the live rock?

Could i start with a filter then add the live rock and remove the filter?

How does the live rock cycle? It looks like normal ocean rock from the pictures just with a few patches on it!
Right so the live rock will cyle the tank. what if i dont have enough money to buy the live rock?

Could i start with a filter then add the live rock and remove the filter?

How does the live rock cycle? It looks like normal ocean rock from the pictures just with a few patches on it!

I answered a similar question the otherday with a fairly lengthy post. Its a general overview but briefly covers most of the basics, I think lol.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

*Edit* Also, try having a read up of the FAQ's. Theres much more information in there regarding the setting up of a marine tank.

Starting A Mariine Tank FAQ's



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