Thinking Of Getting Some Rainbows


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2009
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I'm going to be setting up a 45 gallon tank. 36"x12"x24" Current stocking is going to include 7 Guppies ( plan on more) 6 Kuhli Loaches (plan on more if I can find them...) and a male and female Apisto.

Would Rainbows be ok in that tank with that stocking? I'm just looking for another colorful fish that isn't a dwarf chic that could conflict with my lovely apistos =D
Yeah, rainbows will work with that setup. Just be aware that the rainbows need a little more care than your average tropical fish. They need 50% waterchanges weekly and lots of veggies in their diet.
What veggies would you suggest? I'm used to givin Cucumbers and Zuccini to the clown loaches.. they congo tetras never seem to have interest in them.
Those are fine to feed for the rainbows. It's best to feed them a good staple flake like a high quality spirulina flake. This contains a fair amount of vegetable matter as well as being high in protein (and intensifying the color blue at the same time!)

Just remember to feed fresh veggies when you can. Some people have luck with any of the lettuce leaves except for the iceberg variety since is has almost no nutritional value. I am a fan of cooked shelled peas mushed up. Mine go nuts for it.

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