Thinking of getting some guppies...

TB (in this case) is fish tuberculosis or mycobacteriosis. Making 100% shure is impossible in a living fish but there are many symptoms and a 'hunchback', in particular, is almost always due to TB if it is in a mature fish. I replied to your post in the emergencies (I think) section with a lot of links so I hope that's helpful.
Well im not sure if my molly has it or not but im just going to leave her in the tank. She eats stuff off the plants and rocks its just that her back is hunched and she swims wierd... Im not even sure if she has it so i dont want to kill a fish if there is nothing wrong with it... -_-
Uhh today i decided it was time to put my white molly {pearl} out of her misery as she was getting worse and i couldnt risk getting my other fish infected. I already miss her.... :-( :-( :-(
I am sorry to hear about you loss :(

It was prolly for the best considering that you have saved the rest of your fish from what could have been a deadly disease for all of them...

Once again i am very sorry
After my tank had been set up for a while, one of my fish died so I took a water sample to Petco to check and my ammonia was high. Michelle the girl that work there told me to do water changes but to do those by siphoning the gravel also. The poo gets down in the gravel and causes the ammonia to spike. They sell those at most pet/fish stores for around $7-8. After using that for about a week or so your ammonia #should start to drop.

Good Luck

I also have guppies and they are normally peaceful fish, the males will be smitten with most of the females in your tank no matter what kind they are. Just make sure you have a high ratio of females to males.

If you are adding the fish to the 10 gal you mentioned in one of your frist posts you already have enough fish any more and you would have to many. Also, make sure you have some place to put the fry, they will outgrow the 1 gal tank fast.

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